5 Things To Do On A Sunday For Your Most Productive Week Yet

Because a Sunday well spent brings a week of content...and productivity.

Smonday: The moment when Sunday stops feeling like a Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks in. It may not be an official term in the Oxford Dictionary, but I’m willing to bet it’s a feeling most of us are familiar with. You’re kicking back on the lounge sipping peppermint tea and watching Netflix on a Sunday arvo when suddenly it hits you: the weekend is almost over. Even if you love your job, it’s hard to shake the impending dread of getting up at 6 am the next morning. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be that way. If done properly, the sabbath can actually be the perfect time to both unwind and set yourself up for a great week. In fact, one thing a lot of the world’s most successful people (think Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey) have in common is how productive they are on Sundays. Here are 5 things the high-achievers of the world do to start their week on the right track (and you can, too!)

Prep your meals

productive sunday, food prep, meal prep
Image: Instagram/fearlessfig

We’ve written before about the many benefits of doing Sunday meal prep. Not only will it save you time and money, but it also sets you up for a week of healthy eating. When life gets busy or something unexpected comes up, it’s nice to know you have a fridge full of nutritious options ready to go. Pick out two or three options for breakfast, lunch and dinner and write yourself a shopping list. Coles, Woolworths and Aldi all have shopping lists apps where you can find out which aisle everything you need is in. Knowing exactly what you’re getting and where you need to go makes grocery shopping a lot more enjoyable. It’s almost like going on a fun scavenger hunt (as opposed to a stress-inducing chore!) Once you get home, pop on some tunes, grab your tupperware and get prepping! If you need some meal prep inspiration, check out of some our favourite Instagram foodies here.

Schedule your week

Bullet diary, bullet journal
Image: Instagram/bossgirlbujo

Yes, it may sound obvious. But sitting down and working out exactly what you’ve got on for will set you up for a much more organised week. Whether you’re using a planner or the calendar app on your phone, jot down all your appointments, meetings and social events. Not only will it stop you from forgetting anything, it will also make it all feel a lot more manageable. It’s also a great opportunity to take stock of whether you’re taking too much on. How many times per week do you have time to yourself? It’s important to schedule chunks of time where you simply recharge your batteries by relaxing or doing activities you enjoy. By penciling it in like an appointment, you’re more likely to make sure it actually happens.

Plan your outfits

productive sunday, minimalist flatly
Image: Pinterest/Shop Style

Did you know that the average woman spends almost one year of her life deciding what to wear? That equates to around 15 minutes every weekday morning! There are so things worth spending that amount of time on in the AM, like yoga or writing in a gratitude journal. But I think we can all agree that rummaging around in the laundry for a matching pair of socks is most definitely not one of them. Save yourself from having to make difficult fashion decisions on weekday mornings by loosely preparing your outfits on Sundays. After you sort your laundry, check out your schedule and the weather forecast for the week. Then, spend a few minutes picking outfits based around what you’ve got on. Don’t forget to do exercise gear too if you’ve got workouts planned. Clear some space in your wardrobe and hang your outfits in the order you’ll need them. Yes, it may sound like overkill. But we guarantee your bleary-eyed Friday morning self will thank you!

Practice self-care

self care sundays, girl with dog
Image: browndresswithwhitedots.tumblr.com

Don’t worry, your Sunday doesn’t have to be all work no play. In fact, the most important thing you can do for a great week is prioritise your own happiness and wellbeing. Now, there’s no right or wrong way to do this. Self-care means something different to everyone. It could be doing yoga on the beach or taking your dog for a walk. Or it might mean treating yourself to a massage, facial or manicure. It could even be turning your phone off for the entire day and finishing a great book. Whatever it is, it should nourish your soul and make you feel amazing. Those good vibes should ward off the Sunday scaries and carry you throughout the week. As they say, a Sunday well spent brings a week of content!

Hit the hay early

sleep, sleep ritual
Image: Pinterest/melissamercier.com

It’s a lot easier to be on the top of your game during the week when you’re not sleep deprived. You know those people who rock up in the office on Monday morning, all bright-eyed and chirpy? We guarantee they’re hitting the sack well before 11 pm on a Sunday night. You see, getting an early night on the weekend doesn’t make you a nana: it makes you smart. There’s a reason Apple CEO Tim Cook goes to bed at 9.30 pm! Don’t think you’ll be able to doze off that early? Having a relaxing pre-bed ritual will help. Think something like having a bubble bath or meditation. If you’re really struggling to nod off, try some of our surprising tips here.

Deep Sleep Support

Magnesium Breakthrough

Want to fall asleep faster and all through the night?


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Want to absorb ALL the valuable nutrients from your food?

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Good Bacteria Support


Want to protect your body from bad bacteria that’s causing bloating?


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