The Science-Backed Reason Why You Should Have Sex Before Bed

Is an orgasm the secret to a better night's sleep?

sex before bed
Image: Courtesy of iStock

If restlessness and insomnia have been plaguing you lately, there could be a *hot* way to get a better night’s sleep. Having sex and enjoying an orgasm (that’s key here) could be the secret to a better quality snooze.
According to the CQUniversity’s Appleton Institute for Behavioural Science in Adelaide and sleep researcher, Dr. Michele Lastella who conducted this research with 460 adults, two-thirds of people automatically sleep better after having an orgasm (and making sure their partner has one too).
That means no phones allowed, but orgasms are totally welcome. And since science has already proven that sleeping naked is key to better sleep, here’s another reason to get frisky between the sheets.

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Image via iStock

“There’s strong evidence to suggest substituting screen time for play time,” Dr. Lastella said. “When you’re engaging in sex, you’re not thinking about what to do the next day, you’re not going through your phones. It distracts you.”
And while you can thank nookie for being a distraction from the stresses of your day (which will inevitably keep you from sleeping), it can also easily tire you out and put you in a perfect sleep-ready mood.
The research also concluded that people who were happier were more satisfied with their sex lives, and if the sex was equal—meaning that both parties reached that coveted O—it made for even happier relationships and lives.
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Image: iStock

The reason an orgasm has such a powerful effect on sleep is largely due to what Dr. Lastella calls the “biochemical cocktail,” a sleep-ideal combination of increased oxytocin and prolactin and decreased cortisol. That mood-boosting blend leaves you completely relaxed and able to doze off into dreamland.
“The next step is to potentially conduct a controlled trial where we actually get people to increase the frequency of sex they have and examine their sleep and other health-related outcomes,” Dr. Lastella added.
Sure, you can use our favorite tips for better sleep any day. Taking a warm bath or shower, using your lavender spray, meditating, and going tech-and screen-free for an hour before bed can all do the trick. But spice it up a little and get in some quality sexy time. It’s good for you and your partner, in case you needed another excuse for a good night-time shag.

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