You Need To Exercise For *This* Long Each Week To See Benefits

Between our running routine, ClassPass membership, and at-home workout videos, fitness has become a permanent staple in our lives, and a regular addition to our daily calendar. But new research is about to shake up what you thought about must-do workouts and how they affect your longevity.
A massive global study, published in the Lancet paper, showed us that it doesn’t really matter whether we run, do yoga or pilates, go spinning, or just simply make cleaning the home part of your workout, because just 150 minutes of exercise per week can drastically cut your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and an earlier death.
“Our findings indicate that non-recreational activity — work, housework, active transportation — is just as beneficial in reducing the risk for premature death and heart disease,” says Dr. Scott Lear, the lead author of the study.
After tracking the workout habits and health statuses of more than 130,000 people over the course of seven years, the researchers found that 150 minutes (that’s right at the two-and-a-half hour mark) were ideal for delaying and preventing major health problems by nearly 28 percent.
And as much as we all love hitting up our boutique studios or the treadmill section at the gym, any and all movement counts toward that goal. That includes cleaning your home, walking to work, and even walking to and from meetings in the office.
Basically, the less time you spend sitting (*orders standing desk now*), the lower your chances of having heart problems.
That means that your 45-minute SoulCycle class, your 60-minute run, and the 45 minutes you spent tidying up your home are all of the exercise you “need” that week to help save your heart. Anything you do on top of that is just even more beneficial and a total added bonus.
And yes, a little romance in the bedroom totally counts to toward that 150-minute goal, too. Consider it all a win, especially for your health!

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