Happy Monday! Amodrn here with your weekly horoscope for August 24th – August 30th. This is a week for love, baby! Venus is making two oppositions to Jupiter and Pluto, showing us exactly where our perfect partners may be. If you’re in a relationship, this can be quite a romance-filled week for you. On Sunday, there is a Mercury-Neptune opposition that will give us the information we need to hear. Happy Virgo season. Keep reading for your weekly horoscope.

Your Weekly Horoscope
Your companionship is really appreciated, Aries. Check-in with those around you and see if they need anything that you can help them with. On Sunday, there is a Mercury-Neptune opposition that may give you a vision about how to go about your life and what may be on the horizon.
Balance is the key to everything, Taurus. What do you need to move further along in life? You may get a preview of this very soon, under the Mercury-Neptune opposition this week. You need support to feel loved, find a way to see your friends, either through Zoom or IRL this weekend, at a safe distance.
Emotion is a big way we feel love, Gemini. This week’s opposition may make you get into your feels a little more than usual. But you should ride that wave! Growing through emotion is a big, big way we become our higher selves.
Power is scary, Cancer, but your emotional growth may make you somewhat of a person to lean on. Lean with it, Cancer, but don’t tire yourself out. With power comes responsibility, but you don’t need to train yourself to be there for your friends. Just be yourself and roll with the fact that you’re the advice-giver now.
Leo, you must remember that your fire can be a little too hot sometimes. Do not let it eat you up so you react quickly. Instead, you want to let these things go so you are calm and collected. Do arguments really ever resolve anything?
It’s Virgo season, baby! Time to bask in all that is amazing by you. Planning an event? You got it covered. Attention to detail? Excellent. You are the most organized of all the signs and you make things better for everyone. Start your season off with a little celebration, virtual or IRL!
Families are your first experience with other human beings. This may result in some resentment if not understood. This week, try and see if you can set boundaries with those that may trigger you, family or not. This week is all about setting expectations.
You embody the lover, Scorpio. You’re all about pleasing whatever partner you’re with, long term or not. It’s sexier to you to do it this way! Plan a romantic evening as the stars are aligned for a movie-like date this week. Impress your partner or date with the most fun they’ve had in a while.
Sagittarius, you might feel like you’re in a little bit of a rut. You try and achieve, but your boredom may be annoying you currently. This week, navigate and organize so it’s easier to get further in work, love, or friendship. We promise it may seem like this quarantine is forever, but it’s not!
Understanding is the full capacity and desire to be a listener. You could benefit from this type of conversation right now, Cappy. Get out of your head and speak some truth with your companions. It’s nice to feel surrounded by love.
There might be a lover coming back into your life, Aquarius. As someone who goes with the flow, you might forego seeing someone on a date for a hangout with friends. You can do everything in your power to try and stop it, but for you, the stars are aligning this week. Embrace the love and see where it goes! You never know who may be the one!
Pisces, are you in a situationship? You might be between feeling a crush on your friend and speaking those truths to life. If you are really trying to explore furthering a friendship, let that person know! You never know what they’re thinking too.