Your Weekly Horoscope News: April 27th – May 3rd

Everything you absolutely need to know to get through this upcoming week.

your weekly horoscope news
Image: Alexander Andrews via Unsplash

Oh Happy May, Amodrn readers! We’re taking this journey step by step, trying to figure out what it is about the human spirit that persists when nothing seems to be going right. Our mantra for this month is to figure that out before (hopefully) rejoining society again. This week, Messenger Mercury enters tenacious Taurus on Monday, staying there until May 11. This transit lets us think conscientiously and focus on the tasks and conversations at hand. This weekend’s Moon in Virgo allows for us to become grounded and introspective. Keep reading for your sign’s weekly update!

weekly horoscopes, people walking by tarot reader shop
Image: Pixel Parker

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

Keep calm and carry on, Aries. There was a lot of pressure on your firey self to show up in a big way for your birthday in the past, and that carried onto this crazy year as well. You hosted your Zoom party, you celebrated in style, but now it’s time for rest. Think of this moment in time as a reset. Self-care, deep cleaning, and a zest for life should be reignited as you will ultimately have to make time for these things in the future.

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

Taurus, how you doing? We bet pretty well considering the spotlight has officially moved onto your stellar sign. Your head and your heart collide this year for a less-than-normal celebration. Rather than think about what you don’t have, consider the alternative.  What are you grateful for? You’ll start to notice all you have and because of this realization, see life in a different, more positive way when this is all over.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Gemini, you’re a lovely, yet usually split-minded person. Don’t blame yourself, the stars made you this way. While one side of you has been reigning strong for the past few months, the other half has yet to come out and play. This is that “cabin fever”, stir-crazy feeling you’ve tried hard to avoid. But patience is a virtue. Your sign’s lesson in life is to be completely calm, present, and in the moment. We know that you can’t change your environment drastically right now, but make those little efforts to reverse any anxiety you feel.

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Cancer, we know that this must be getting to you. As one of the more emotional signs, you use relationships to discuss your musings and connect. We know social distancing is necessary, but it doesn’t mean that you have to detach from the people you speak to on a daily basis. The key for you is to maintain these connections, during this time, and way after. The way we connect will change after the pandemic, but you’ll feel closer than ever to the ones that you love.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

The ball’s in your court, Leo! Mercury enters your career sector on Monday, helping you woo your co-workers with your intelligence and communication skills in the workplace. But don’t get too cocky! You are not all-seeing, and you tend to get ahead of yourself. Leave room and time for others to communicate their ideas.

Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgo, remember that creative idea you had months ago? The one you had no time to get started? Maybe take a risk and see if the odds are in your favor now. Because of the time we’re in, more often than not, many are trying to support small businesses and ventures that their community is taking. The internet is more visible than ever! Can you make that beer cozy in your garage? Launch an Instagram and an Etsy page to show your friends your creative side.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

The odds are forever in your favor, Libra. Mercury enters your intimacy, honesty, and sexuality zone on Monday, allowing you to really get to know yourself and the person you want to unleash once this is all over. You’ll be a star who does not second guess yourself, with more confidence than ever. Life is short, and you’re not taking anything for granted in the future.

Scorpio (October 23rd –  November 22nd)

Scorpio, has this lockdown caused some strain in your life? A roommate, boyfriend, or family member been on your case? Truthfully, you might be on their’s too? This is not the time for arguing. Sit down and discuss your ailments with that certain someone.  Why fight? The light at the end of the tunnel is near, and you do not want to regret what is said in time of panic.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st)

This week, you are the one to take control. Sagittarius, you took time over the past two months to grieve over your losses. As someone who usually seeks adventure, career, and love, the pandemic has really halted your thirst for more. A spark of creativity and positivity (more importantly) has ignited in you to get ahead. Things are going your way, projects are lining up, and you really have the power to take control of your life, right now, at this moment. You’re killing it!

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Cappy, Cappy. Are mood swings getting you down? This week, Mercury enters your Taurus-ruled confidence and creativity zone on Monday, boosting your self-esteem, problem-solving abilities, and overall mindset. Without your friends, usual routine, and other things in the mix that give you strength, you felt a little upset. We feel you! Routine is everything! You’ll swing back in the right direction this week.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 19th)

Alright, Aquarius, time to fess up. Your happy demeanor isn’t hidden anymore. We know you miss everything about life, but we have a suggestion for you: Take the time this week to recreate all of the things that are on hold right now. Get into your beauty routine, set up a happy hour, make your living room into the cinema! You are doing this for the greater good, and that takes some adjusting.

Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)

Hey Pisces, are you in a less than usual emotional state? Most of the time, you’re someone who’s aura beams and reflects emotion. We know you’ve been in your own world lately, but that emotion can be won back with communication. Mercury enters your Taurus-ruled communication zone, giving you greater clarity when you speak, and a stronger understanding when you listen.
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