sex horoscope
Image: Toa Heftiba via Unsplash

This Is What You’re Like in Bed, According to Your Horoscope

We took a look at each cosmic horoscope to find out what we can expect come summertime.

How has your sex life been during the pandemic, Amodrn family? We’ve heard mixed things, truth be told. There are some that are saying that we’re going to be coming out of this quarantine ready to find the person that we’ll hopefully have in case there’s another one. Others are saying that it’ll be like the ’60s and ’70s in terms of recreational activity. Who knows what our post-pandemic sex lives will look like? We’re hoping for a mix of both. One thing we can tell you is that your zodiac sign may be a great predictor of what you’re like in bed, or what a current or future partner may be like. We took a look at each cosmic horoscope to find out what we can expect come summertime. Keep reading for more on your own sign!

best sex horoscope
Image: Mia Harvey via Unsplash

This Is What You’re Like in Bed, According to Your Horoscope


You’re bold and adventurous to every extent possible. You win the award for the biggest explorer in bed, naturally. There’s absolutely nothing you’re not open to doing, as long as it’s consensual. If your horoscope says you’re compatible with an Aries, go for it!


Taurus, while you might not be Aries in the sheets, you’re all about getting to the finish line! For you, you want to orgasm as much as the next person, but if you’re both not getting there, then you’ll try until you do. You’re a gracious lover who believes in equal partnership in bed.


You are someone who is creative in bed and can take on any role, as long as there’s balance. You might have a sex toy or two in the rotation when it comes down to it and you’re ready for any type of roleplay.


You are a lover, Cancer! You’re absolutely selfless and want to make sure your partner gets there, it’s like they enjoy it more than getting there themselves. You’re sensual and erotic, almost like a novel with Fabio on the front! You can sense what your partner wants and they’re always begging for more.


Leos are just as into everything before and after sex as they are the act itself. Cuddling or foreplay are all important stages of the game. They are of course, cognizant of their performance throughout life, so why would the bed be any different? Make sure you’re focusing on both you and your partner, Leo. You may lose sight of pleasuring yourself as well!


If you thought Virgos did life perfectly, just wait until you’re in bed with one! The scene is always set to the nines, they’re precise, and they’re incredibly satisfying lovers to have some time in the sheets with. If you’re into aesthetics, Virgos are your perfect partner.


If you’re into the sensual type, a Libra lover is for you. They’re into intimacy. They want to make you feel incredible, alive, and like this is the most magical sex you’ll ever have. Try locking eyes, long kisses, and breathing slowly in sensitive areas of their body.


Scorpios are definitely the sexiest sign in the zodiac. They’re insanely good in bed, from romantic sex to the kinkiest of the kinks. If you’re looking to get every type of sex under the sun, we recommend going with a Scorpio. They’re super in tune with themselves and their partners.


The adventurous lover is thrilled by seduction. Usually, someone who is more submissive, they love partners who take control and indulge in their wildest fantasies. They’re authentic, optimistic, and don’t care for a fake performance. They can crack a smile or laugh and get right back into it. After all, the forever student will make mistakes right? It’s all about the journey and getting there.


Capricorn is an overachiever in the best way possible. This sign in the horoscope is known for doing whatever it takes. Think about what that means sexually! They’re super knowledgeable about sexuality and know many positions and foreplay techniques. They’re also super open to learning, so if you have a unique way of playing in bed, they’re all about knowing more and learning.


Wild, crazy, sex is what the Aquarius usually goes for. You’re in for a treat with this sign. They love being vulnerable, honest, and real with you in bed, whether that be fun, sexy, or serious. They communicate in the best way, so you’ll never have any questions after a night with this one.


For Pisces, keeping up with their lover is what makes them happy. They love to please their sexual partners and keep them satisfied. They’re super giving and sweet. Pisces is also a great person to be in a long-term relationship with, they tend to keep things hot and heavy!

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