Inside Amodrn’s Table For 12 Sunset Yoga Event In Topanga, California

The who, what, where and why!

table for 12 topanga

Overlooking the Malibu Mountains in LA, guests gathered for Amodrn’s latest edition of Table for 12 at the stunning Topanga backdrop on a sunny afternoon. Here, they enjoyed yoga and rosé (and yes, confirming they most definitely go together!) CBD-infused massages, a dip in the luxurious heated infinity pool and an amazing whole foods menu courtesy of Guy Turland from Bondi Harvest.
Table for 12 is exactly what its name suggests; an intimate gathering aimed at bringing together inspiring, hard-working women who are killing it in their respective field of fitness, wellness, beauty, fashion and lifestyle for an evening of delicious food, inspiring conversations, and all the good vibes.
The exclusive guest list included the likes of renowned beauty blogger, Chloe Morello, fashion designer, Aisha Jade, entrepreneur Annie Lawless, model and photographer Jenah Yamamoto, beauty and style blogger Sophie Elkus, fashion designer and model Sara Montazami, PR whiz Kira Mackenzie, model Erin Shea, fashion stylist Kara Wilson and Bianca Cheah, founder of lifestyle brand Amodrn and skincare brand They Call Her Alfie.
Keep scrolling for a few of our favorite snaps from the day!
All photography by Amodrn

table for 12 topanga
The intimate dinner setting.

table for 12 topanga
From L to R: Kira Mackenzie, Bianca Cheah, Chloe Morello, Annie Lawless.

topanga table for 12
Guests enjoying yoga and rosé. From L to R: Aisha Jade, Kira Mackenzie, and Sara Montazami.

table for 12 topanga
From L to R: Kara Wilson, Aisha Jade, and Kira Mackenzie.

table for 12 topanga
Guy Turland of Bondi Harvest preparing the dinner.

Display of Cannuka CBD cocktails.

table for 12 topanga
Sara Montazami and her best friend Blair Dickerson dressed in Spell.

table for 12 topanga
Sophie Elkus and Chloe Morello.

topanga table for 12
Guests enjoying CBD-infused massages by Cannuka.

table for 12 topanga
Kira Mackenzie enjoying yoga and rosé.

With special thanks to our brand partners:

A skincare brand combining the unique healing properties of cannabis (CBD derived from hemp) and Manuka honey to provide a daily skin therapy that both calms and heals the skin. Check out their full range here.  

Designed and produced locally in California, Vitamin A combines feminine design with sustainable fashion and that laidback West Coast vibe that’s in their DNA. What we also love is that Vitamin A gives back a portion of proceeds directly to environmental organizations who help protect our oceans.

The Byron-based fashion label is best known for their gorgeous boho-inspired designs and flirty prints, crafted with the free-spirit in mind.


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Sundown strolls ✨ @saramontazami and @lilblackfootsies twinning in Amethyst 🌸💕

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Y7 is the US-based yoga studio with a cult following, best known for combining traditional yoga flows with a non-traditional setting of hip-hop beats, dark rooms, and candlelit settings. Read our recent interview with founder, Sarah Larson Levey, here.

VYBES is an organic beverage made with Hemp CBD (Cannabidiol). Hemp-derived CBD is understood to help treat anxiety, stress, improve mood, sleep, and other key bodily functions.
Stay tuned for our next Table for 12 in Sydney and check out some of our past events here!

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