parenting style
Image: Tanaphong Toochinda via Unsplash

There Are 4 Parenting Styles … Which One Is Best For You?

There is one that is best for your child and their future.

When you’re thinking about having a child, what your parenting style is going to be like definitely comes to mind. Will I be my child’s best friend? Will I nurture them in a way that is loving, or be a little more strict so they are disciplined? There truly is no right way, it is a learning process that we learn as we go along. We are, of course, always parents for the first time when we decide to have a child. There are four styles. They are authoritative, uninvolved, permissive, and disciplinarian. In the 1960s, a psychologist named Diana Baumring studied preschool behavior and parenting style, coining the terms to describe what she saw.

These styles showcase how parents are in times of stress, communication, control, permission to do things, and their loving nature. She found that culture had to do a lot with what happened. We took a look at all four parenting styles and broke them down for you. Keep reading for more.

What Are The Different Parenting Styles?

1) Authoritarianism

According to Bright Horizons, This is the classic controlling type of parent. Their rules are strict, they have high demands, and there is often no reasoning or response when a child asks them why they are being scolded or limited. With this type of parenting, there is also difficulty with the sensitivity of the parent and not the expectation they place upon the child. The child may feel like the parent has control of their life, and this in turn makes them more anxious.

parenting styles
Image: Jose Jovena via Unsplash

2) Permissive

The permissive parenting style is the total opposite of authoritarianism. These are your sensitive, kind, restriction-less parents. Permissive parents rarely say no to their children, use bribes to shape behavior, and don’t really provide a structure for their kids. Their kids may feel close to them, comforted by them, but not good at shaping their growth. These types of children also tend to do poorly in school, have self-esteem issues, and do not take the responsibility lightly, according to VeryWell Family.

parenting styles
Image: Charles Deluvio via Unsplash

3) Uninvolved

This parenting style is not regarded as a good style of parenting at all. These parents leave their children to fend for themselves, whether it be through physical or emotional neglect. They typically don’t show interest in their child or their interests and don’t engage with them. This is the parent that is often gone and provides zero guidance for their kids. It is also not good for the child’s academic career, mental health, self-esteem, and how they lay the foundation for relationships in the future, according to the American Psychological Association.

parenting styles
Image: Leonard Beck via Unsplash

 4) Authoritative

This style is the most popular and recommended way to raise a child. It is a soft balance of emotional sensitivity and expectations. A mix of being best friends with your child and having them view you as the north star in their life. This type of child is allowed to feel anyway, but their behavior can be punished in a cautious and rightful way. According to Psychology Today, the children who are also raised this way have great social skills, better behavior, and emotional maturity, and tend to respect their parents. Empathy is shown, but punishment is explained and proper.

parenting style
Image: Tanaphong Toochinda via Unsplash

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