audio erotica
Image: Ava Sol via Unsplash

Audio Erotica is the Newest Way to Get in Tune with Your Body

This form of sexual wellness consists of sexy audio stories that spark your inner fire and set the mood.

Sexual wellness is the ultimate frontier for women in the 21st century to cross. For women, it’s almost never “appropriate” to put our sexuality at the forefront. This, however, is changing quickly. There’s a sexual revolution happening across the world. More and more women are showing their need, desire, and human right to express themselves sexually. For them to have access to prioritizing sexual health, pleasure, safety, and fun! With incredible sex toys geared for women, the fight for our liberation, and more, there’s even a move to expand the erotica that women can enjoy. More and more, audio erotica has also become super popular amongst women. Audio erotica usually consists of sexy audio stories that spark your inner fire and set the mood. Keep reading for more on audio erotica.

audio erotica
Image: Aiony Haust via Unsplash

Why Hearing Might Be Better Than Seeing

According to Healthline, “there is evidence that people get more sexually aroused by more intense stimulation,” explains Nicole Prause, Ph.D., a neuroscientist in Los Angeles who researches human sexual behavior. “For example, audio erotica can be more arousing than sexual fantasy alone. Sex films are more arousing than audio erotica.” ”The Kinsey Institute‘s research actually shows that women use mental framing or scenario conjuring or fantasizing to get turned on. The sequencing of a story with your own visuals that you’ve created in your head maybe even sexier for you. 

And for those of us who have partners, put this on your to-do list! Many are looking for a way to have a deeper, sexual connection. Couples are constantly looking for different ways to explore sex and sexuality. You can heighten intimacy, become more confident, and even have a deeper connection. Hearing audio erotica may also help communication in the bedroom. If your app is telling you about a sexy story, why can’t you then ask your partner if they’ll join you in your sexual fantasy? And if you’re not using audio erotica with a partner, it can also help you become more in tune with your own body. Figure out what you like during sex. You can explore your needs and desires. Your mind will flood with ideas and the normalization of sexual exploration.

audio erotica
Image: Ava Sol via Unsplash

Why Audio Erotica Is Inclusive

With the advent of ASMR, it’s totally plausible that audio creates another element of sexual arousal for many. For example, we like dirty talk or the sound of our partner moaning. Even we ourselves let out audio during sex! The sound of a soothing voice describing a sexual endeavor may be extremely hot to some. On top of all of this, the accessibility of audio erotica is also necessary for sexuality to be inclusive. For those who cannot see, audio erotica is also extremely accessible for them.

How One Audio Erotica Platform Is Doing It

For this audio erotica platform, &Jane’s content is told from the perspective of real female storytellers, a collection of diverse women who chronicle their everyday erotic lives and pique users’ voyeuristic curiosities. From Carson, a queer tattoo artist living in Philadelphia; to Ony, an NYC-based Nigerian-American model, businesswoman, and part-time sugar baby; to Jade, a blogger in San Francisco experimenting with BDSM for the first time, storytellers collaborate with &Jane’s creative team to bring the stories to life in compelling and authentic ways.

“With the launch of &Jane (and Kampsite), we hope to welcome anyone who appreciates good storytelling and enjoys tasteful and elegant erotic content. Our platform is a safe space,” says Michael Dill, Founder of &Jane. Mainstream pornography and erotica often centers the cis-male perspective and can come across as degrading and even dehumanizing in its treatment of women. &Jane is reframing what erotic content and pornography can be by offering an environment of belonging and a digital means to experience something new from the safety of one’s home. The platform also wants to cultivate a healthy, life-affirming view of sexuality. They reject the shaming and damaging stigmas typically linked to female pleasure.

“With the launch of &Jane, our goal is to celebrate sexuality in all of its joyful, diverse, and nuanced glory,” says Sarah Turner, &Jane’s Head of Content. “By prioritizing empathy, inclusivity, and the female perspective, we aim to provide a safe digital space for exploration, sexual satisfaction, and representation for those who may feel alienated or repelled by the stigma and damaging stereotypes associated with mainstream versions of erotica.” &Jane’s broader purpose is also to destigmatize and reframe the common perception of erotic content by creating a safe space for exploration, satisfaction, and participation.


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