Now, You Can Add Wine To Your List Of Cannabis Foods

The sauvignon blanc 2017 vintage has notes of cannabis, lemongrass, lavender, and citrus

First we learned that Greek wine should be our go-to summer drink, then we saw the debut of the highly coveted blue wine, and now, wine is about to get a whole new makeover. Rebel Coast Winery has officially introduced its own line of cannabis-infused wine, no alcohol — or hangovers — included.

Starting in January 2018, Californians will have the chance to buy the marijuana wine (provided, of course, that they’re over the age of 21), and preorders are available now.

The sauvignon blanc 2017 vintage, which has notes of cannabis, lemongrass, lavender, and citrus, includes 16mg of THC in every bottle, or approximately 4mg per glass. And according to the company, that’s a low amount that won’t have you feeling too high.

“After one glass you won’t be thinking your couch is a hippo with short legs or anything,” they write on their website. “Our goal is not to kill you after you’ve had a few glasses. The goal is to get giggly and naked with someone. We set out to mimic the experience you’d find with traditional wine; a couple of glasses will put most people in a great place.”

The “wine,” the company notes, contains no alcohol because “legally no one’s allowed to mix alcohol and THC. So while you may be bummed that we followed the rules here and took the alcohol out, you’ll be pleased to know each glass only has 35 calories and there are no hangovers in this bottle. You’re welcome.”

The wine comes on the heels of the latest food and wellness trend: cannabidiol (CBD). Though it contains no THC, CBD has a host of health benefits, including improving energy and curbing anxiety among its users.
On top of that, earlier this year, Australia approved the consumption of hemp countrywide — again, it has different properties than marijuana — causing quite the high among the population.

Now, you’ll soon be able to add wine to your list of cannabis foods. All you California-based readers, you can preorder a bottle for just US$59.99.

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