The No-Equipment Workout Beach Body Trainers Swear By

Bianca Cheah video in Reebok
Film director: Lester Jones from Location: 98 Riley Street

Walking into a gym, you have a plan. Or if you attend one of the more boutique-but-chic fitness studios, you have an instructor telling you exactly what to do. But when summer comes along, spending every day in a sweaty studio can make your workout seem more like torture. So what do you even do if you decide to go out on your own? Sign up to an online program and move your sweat sesh outdoors.
If you’ve ever done an online program you’ll know how easy it can be. Want to workout at 6:15am but your gym only offered 5:45 or 6:30 am? Now you can. Only have 25 minutes but all the classes are 45? No problem. You can be flexible with your workouts and your days, and plan everything to fit into your schedule. As a result, exercise becomes convenient and when it’s convenient it yields big results.
Beach Body trainers, the BUF Girls love to workout outdoors. They host group training sessions every morning in locations all across Australia. But they also know how liberating it can be to take charge of your own workouts which is why they have a bunch of online programs to bring their bootcamps to you.
But it’s not just workouts. Launching today is their latest program, Totally BUF. It’s a 6-week plan to completely transform your lifestyle. Along with the weekly workouts, Totally BUF includes 72 healthy recipes and a full education program to teach you about nutrition, and to help you create a healthy mindset. Plus, you have access to an online community, which will allow you to connect with hundreds of like-minded women getting BUF with you.
For a sneak peek at the new program, the girls have shared this beach body burn (above). It has five exercises and five rounds and takes 25 minutes to complete. Perform each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest. It’s a total body tone.

  1. Alternating side squats
  2. T Push Ups 
  3. Alternating back lunges
  4. Supermans 
  5. Skipping

Want more from the BUF Girls? Try this TV workout you can smash in the ad breaks or come see them in person. They’re touring the country with live bootcamps. Check out their dates here. 

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