2016's Top Fitness Stories, According To Amodrn Readers

Spoiler: You're just as obsessed with working out as we are!

Our editors have niche interests in areas like travel, all-natural beauty, athleisure wear, nutrition, and self-care. But, the one topic we all mutually adore? Fitness.
Truly, we’re those people who enjoy working out in the morning. We’re always willing to try the newest (and sweatiest) classes and are signing up for races and yoga workshops in our free time. Based on how popular these stories were in 2016, we’re pretty sure that you’d fit in nicely with our crew. Read on for the most-read fitness stories of the year (just in case you missed one!)

11 Fitness Stories That Went Viral In 2016

Nike Launches New Shoe That’ll Make Your Run Easier

nike, fitness, running

Leave it to Nike to make what might be the best running shoe we’ve ever tried. The Nike RN line uses proprietary technology to give you the smoothest, fastest run possible. But does it actually work? We put it to the test.

Read about it here.

4 Habits of Women Who Are Always In Amazing Shape

kayla itsines, fitness, workouts
Hint: They don’t do 2-hour workouts and they definitely don’t diet. Annoying, right?
Read about it here 

How To Plan Your Workout Schedule So You Actually See Results, According To A Celebrity Trainer

nike, fitness, workouts
In order to see the best results from sweat sessions, there needs to be a method to the madness—hopping from class to class might not be the way to do it. Expert trainer Lindsey Clayton tells us exactly how to schedule our workouts for maximum results.
Read about it here.

Huge Changes Are Coming To ClassPass — And You Won’t Like Them

Class Pass
Speaking of why you shouldn’t jump from one studio to the next … maybe with the changes at ClassPass, you won’t be able to. A lot has happened to the subscription model fitness class startup in the past year, including big backlash when they raised their prices and changed their package structure. It will be interesting to see what 2017 holds for ClassPass …
Read about it here.

Infrared Heated Yoga Will Make You Ditch Bikram Forever

heated yoga, bikram, fitness
NEW TREND ALERT! Infrared yoga gently detoxifies your bod, increases your caloric burn, and you can actually breathe while you’re doing it—unlike the experience of a sweltering Bikram class!
Read about it here.

Your Complete Guide To Where Top Models Work Out

supermodels, workout, fitness
Sure, they’re genetic freaks of nature—but that doesn’t mean models don’t work out. Here’s your go-to guide for model-spotting (and hardcore sweating) in New York City.
Read about it here.

Burn More Calories In Your Next Barre Class With 5 Expert Tips

barre, burn calories, fitness, workouts

How to feel the burn even more in your OG barre classes, so you can continue to blast calories all day long.

Read about it here.

5 Of LA’s Hottest Trainers Reveal The Classes They Actually Take

barry's bootcamp, workouts, fitness, trends
Turns out that trainers are just like us—they don’t pop out of the womb with those six-pack abs and rippling biceps. Nah, trainers work just as hard as you do to maintain their fitness. That often means squeezing in a workout after a full day of teaching and training clients—that’s dedication, people! Here are the spots they hit up when they know they want to get an amazing workout in.
Read about it here.

Are You Exercising Too Much?

fitness, Full length shot of confident young woman at gym gym. Muscular sportswoman standing with her hands on knees looking focused about her fitness workout.
It’s possible—and it might just be the reason that you can’t seem to see results from your gruelling exercise schedule.
Read about it here.

The Foolproof Way to Make Working Out More Enjoyable

exercise, fitness

Believe it or not, it’s actually totally possible…

Read about it here.

7 Ways to Make Running Less Horrible 

If you think running is literally the worst, you’ve gotta read this.
Read it here.

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