weekly horoscope
Image: Ahsan Avi via Unsplash

Your Weekly Horoscope News: September 21st – September 27th

Everything you absolutely need to know to get through this upcoming week.

Happy Monday! Amodrn here with your weekly horoscope for September 21st through September 27th. Libra season is in full swing. Can you believe it? Don’t you feel more balanced already? This week, the sun enters our star pupil’s path, the Libra. Libras keep the peace, always. For them, everything can be solved. This is not a weakness, but the strength to keep calm and carry on. We could learn a thing or two from them. Keep reading for your weekly horoscope.

weekly horoscope
Image: Pixel Parker via Unsplash

Your Weekly Horoscope


Aries, do you feel the need to be alone these days? Have your own solo time? We don’t blame you. When you go through something with collective energy, it can feel like you don’t have your own space. Set the time this week to go to the park or a solo walk. We promise it’ll refuel you.


If you feel like life is a little boring and will never get it’s shine back, it will Taurus! Take this time to appreciate solitude, the slowing down or things, and time with yourself. Before you know it, you’ll be back at full speed, wondering when you’ll get those precious moments back to yourself.


Like your duality, sometimes everything has another side to it. Try and see this side in all the things that you do. Instead of reacting, realize that that person, thing, or event has so much complexity behind it, just like you.


Your sweetness puts a smile on other people’s faces. Your comfort is one in a million. This week, you will realize that people need you more than you know. You are the guru of support and love to many.


Leo, love is in the air. The planets have aligned and named themselves Cupid for you. Romance is hard to come by these days, and your inner lion is yearning for passion and love. Don’t worry, it’s on its way. Remember to be open to it.


Virgo, this week is looking lucky for you! Is there something you want to create? An idea you want to come to fruition? Now is the time to put all your energy into building the foundation for your dreams.


Libra, we’re still celebrating you, but birthdays are not just about celebration, but looking at how you’ve grown and how you want to grow. What does the next year look like for you? How does this growth happen? Set a list of goals and try to stick to them. Things out of your control will happen, but having a plan can set you back on track.


Scorpio, you love control. You crave it, you seek it. This is where you feel comfortable. Tune into this but don’t let it get the best of you. You have to realize you will never fully be in control of your life. Master the balance of leading the way and letting things happen to you.


As a world traveler, you are in somewhat of a rut. You feel moments of good and bad, but sometimes you feel like this will last forever. You are craving adventure, the spontaneity of life that you so miss, and meeting incredible new souls. This week will give you reassurance, in some way or another. Again, you will go back down on the rollercoaster, but know that we will get through this.


Is routine boring you, Cappy? Does this monotoned life feel bland to you? Make it exciting! The Fall brings a new take on life, remember this. Get out of mourning summer’s end and get on Fall’s agenda. Apple picking, art museums, dressing up for cold weather? It’ll take your mind off things.


It is the age of Aquarius, and with that comes a time of the revolution, change, and beautiful possibilities. We are on the precipice of cutting-edge technology, art, music, and fashion that you feel is being held back because of the pandemic. But remember, Aquarius, once this bubble bursts and things go back to normal, we will be surrounded by newness consistently for years to come. Something to look forward to!


Pisces, relationships take work. They don’t appear out of thin air. Even when they do work, they take work to stay on the right track! Take the time to develop your future relationships, new ones you may have made, and old ones you want to keep forever. Communicate to show you care.

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