weekly horoscopes
Image: Todd Trapani via Unsplash

Your Weekly Horoscope News: September 14th – September 21st

Everything you absolutely need to know to get through this upcoming week.

Happy Monday! Amodrn here with your weekly horoscope for September 14th through September 21st. Libra season is arriving faster than you think. Can you believe September is almost over? Can you believe we’ve been in the midst of a crazy planetary shift from almost 9 months now? It is the Age of Aquarius after all. Mars is officially in retrograde, so we’re holding ourselves ready to experience a setback. Even though we feel this way, it’s growth, so don’t fret too much about it. Keep reading for your weekly horoscope.

weekly horoscope
Image: Pixel Parker via Unsplash

Your Weekly Horoscope


Has a slower pace exhausted you, Aries? Us too. You must remember to live in the moment and use your time wisely. There will come a day that you feel as if have none.


Mars is officially in retrograde, Taurus! That means you have to be careful about immediately reacting to situations. Whether it be a spur of the moment indulgence or anger, you’ve got to stay connected to your grounded nature.


We have the perfect cure for the retrograde blues, Gemini! Some outdoor exercise, perhaps? With your endrophins running high, your mood in a great place, you’ll have a breath of fresh air, and maybe some clarity as well.


Cancer, this week is looking lucky for you! Is there something you want to invest in? A house you’re looking at purchasing? We recommend you look towards your future this week, as it could be calling your name.


With life at the office beginning to return to normal (or some sense of normalcy), you might find yourself overwhelmed with tasks, Leo. If you can’t make a decision about where your priorities lie, try to center yourself by doing the most important work first.


As we enter the winter, routine becomes important. We have more time to do what we want to do, but we lack the ambition or drive to, mainly because the weather is not as great. While we still have the sun, Virgo, it is important to take a step back and create this regime for yourself. 


Libra, this week may be filled with love for you. The stars are aligning and it looks like you might have a secret admirer in your midst. Where are they? Close, nearby? Take a look at who you may have a crush on and vice versa. It could be love! 


Scorpio, carve out some time from your busy schedule to give yourself some well-deserved alone time. Everything can be overwhelming, especially in a year like this. Your emotions sometimes get the best of you and we want you to be feeling incredible, always!


Your positivity puts a smile on other people’s faces. Share your good fortune and knowledge with others. Young entrepreneurs will need your guidance. Help is your greatest weapon.


Is improving your life super important to you recently? The cards are in your forever if you are ready for your growth to begin (in whatever aspect). There a clear path for you, find your way to the other side.


You cannot do it all alone, Aquarius. Learning to work together through obstacles is a great struggle for you, as you are the independent, thriving type. But whoever you need to rely on (family, a partner, a friend) is there for you every step of the way. We encourage you to find strength in leaning on a shoulder. 


Pisces, you may be struggling to find any reason why your hard work is not paying off. You’ve been attempting to complete something. You’ve been very patient and you’ve been working very hard, but something is not connecting. Do not dwell on it, for the moment you let go of this feeling is when you will find that things will work in your favor.

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