Your Weekly Horoscope News: June 8th – June 14th

Everything you absolutely need to know to get through this upcoming week.

Image: High Priestess of Brooklyn

Happy Monday! Alex of High Priestess of Brooklyn here with your Astro x  Tarot Scopes for the week of June 8th through the 14th. I’m grateful to be joining Amodrn for what is a very historic time in Astrology. Our societal structures are being examined, exposed, and re-imagined at a micro and macro level. This is a time of awakening. Specifically this week, collectively, the Sun in Gemini, Mars is in Pisces, Venus is still in Retrograde, and FOUR other planets are also backsliding into Retrograde. This means that while the tides are turning, getting a handle on them to navigate the waters will be important. Below is my attempt to give you direction by consulting both Astrology (science) and Tarot (intuition). 

As a rising Capricorn/Gemini Sun/Scorpio Moon and a lifelong student of all things mystic, Alex Caiola, aka High Priestess of Brooklyn uses Tarot and Astrology as a language to interpret energy. She discovered her gift of Claircognizance (Psychic Knowing) in her ’20s, smack-dab in the middle of her ten-year career in Talent Management. Both careers have been centered around her innate ability to understand people. Over time, she realized her gift was taking esoteric, inaccessible wisdom, and breaking it down into practical advice. She founded High Priestess of Brooklyn with the mission of helping people achieve Modern Enlightenment. She believes everyone should be able to access the benefits of mysticism, not just the spiritually elite, so she created this platform to deliver curated spiritual wellness practices in a down-to-Earth format.  Alex resides in Williamsburg, Brooklyn so the name High Priestess of Brooklyn was intuitive. 

Consistent Tarot Practice has incredible potential to bring about self-awareness, empathy, and trust in your universal purpose. Alex is here to give that to you. But in order for Spiritual guidance to stick, we have to bring it down to Earth. Alex believes in prescribing the best solution for the situation, which may be a Salt bath, a tough conversation with your partner, a manifestation list or all of the above. During these unprecedented times, she can help guide you through difficulties you might be facing and help you better understand and become the best version of yourself. 

Image: High Priestess of Brooklyn


Two of Wands Reversed: In a time when you normally feel empowered and directive, you’re unclear on the broader vision. Instead of belaboring what you can’t figure out, focus on other areas where you have your sh*t together. 


Eight of Pentacles Reversed: Even though the home is your happy place, you’re getting a little sick of your surroundings. Take stock of where you are, appreciate it, and then take a road-trip! Be safe of course. 


Page of Pentacles: If you’ve been focusing on work endeavors, they will pay off this week, Leo! An opportunity may come your way, which you’d be wise to consider before Mercury goes Retrograde next week. 


Two of Swords: You’ve got a decision to make, dear Virgo. With your ruling planet going Retrograde next week, consider making it now. If you’re still having trouble, drop into your gut instead of leading with your intellect. 


Three of Wands: Whatever you’re doing is working, Libra! This is the time for you to really take the momentum you’re gaining in your passion project and triple down. 


The Fool reversed: I encourage you to take the leap you know you’re ready for, Scorpio! While it may be scary, you’re at the beginning so don’t be afraid to make all the mistakes and grow from them. I promise, no one is judging you. 


Four of Cups Reversed: While the waiting can be the hardest part, that doesn’t seem to be the case in your department. Check-in with the opportunities you have been presented and consider the action (or inaction) that needs to happen next. The opportunity you’ve been waiting for might be directly under your nose. 


Nine of Cups Reversed: This is a week to stop and smell the roses, Capricorn. Instead of “on to the next,” be grateful for what’s going right in your life and give yourself time to relish them. 


King of Pentacles: You’ve focused your intellect on lofty endeavors, which is what we need you for, but now’s the time to think about practical solutions for the greater good, Aquarius. What good is a strategical approach if you haven’t given people the action plan? 


The Chariot reversed: Are you tempted to jump the gun, Pisces? This wouldn’t be the week to jump ship or make a change in course. With the tides as swirling as they are, you’d be wise to observe the patterns for a bit. 


Ten of Pentacles reversed: Kudos on the financial goals you’ve reached lately, Aries. Evaluate if it might be time to focus elsewhere. 


The Lovers, reversed: My dear Taurus, if you’ve been dealing with some partnership imbalance, this would be the week to address it. While communication may not be your favorite, it will help to talk it out before Mercury joins Venus in Retrograde next week.
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