your weekly horoscope
Image: Nick Owuor via Unsplash

Your Weekly Horoscope News: August 31st – September 6th

Everything you absolutely need to know to get through this upcoming week.

Happy Monday! Amodrn here with your weekly horoscope for August 31st – September 6th. This week is going to be a wild ride! There is a full moon in Pisces, making sure your emotional side comes out to play. If that playful, summertime feeling is fading once again and lovely dovey vibes are clouding your mind, you can blame this cosmic shift. On Saturday afternoon, Mercury enters Libra, so expect a little fogginess in your ability to communicate. This week, Venus enters Leo, so boldness is on the menu. Keep reading for your weekly horoscope.

weekly horoscope
Image: Pixel Parker via Unsplash

Your Weekly Horoscope


Aries, this week you need to listen to your body. While you try to catch up with the world, don’t forget that self-care is important to fuel yourself. Step back, relax, and take this week’s planetary alignments into consideration when trying to get into it all. 


We all go through highs and lows, Taurus. When the world looks like it does today, it’s difficult to feel like anyone’s on your side. Or that your pain is real. Acknowledge your worries and your fear and make sure you address it.


Gemini, many people judge you based on their own misconceptions. Remember that you only need to feel secure in your own self, and no one else’s beliefs. Live your truth, and don’t let anyone let you think otherwise.


Do you feel as if not moving as fast through the world is getting you down, Cancer? Remember, almost everyone is living through this collective moment now. Maybe things haven’t gone according to plan, but we think you need to let go and know in your heart that you will get there eventually.


Leo, look on the bright side. Sometimes, you can get upset or angry, like your firey side is meant to, but approaching a situation from a different angle may be the right way to go. Look at your problems from an outside view and embrace stepping into someone else’s shoes.


We’re still celebrating your excellence, Virgo! And we hope you are too. You are meticulous to a tee, and sometimes you need to learn to let go and let loose. We hope you’re finding time for yourself while the stars are honoring you.


We don’t blame your less energetic spirit this week for not being ready for everything. It’s hard coming to terms with the fact that there is much unknown right now. As someone who goes with the flow, the straight and narrow path can feel constricting for you. You can get through it, Libra. We can get through it together! 


Your passionate heart feels heavy this week, Scorpio. Emotions, especially with a Pisces and Mercury mix can get muddled and make you feel for everyone around you. Helplessness, grief, and more. Take the time to do as much as you can, while knowing that you have done all that you can.


You tend to try and make everyone happy, but who can blame you? You love to keep the party live, Sag. You cannot be in more than one place at a time, so take this week to schedule out hanging out with friends or accomplishing tasks. When you are organized, there is no limit to what you can do.


Control is difficult to give up. In fact, when you think about the world today, it’s sort of overwhelming how much is decided for you. Just know that this is all for the greater good, and that the moment we are out of this will feel more incredible than ever. You got this, Cappy!


Do you feel as if you are running out of time to accomplish your quarantine goals, Aquarius? Don’t! You do not need to use this time to become the best version of yourself. Sometimes, it’s okay to just be able to get through. This is an unprecedented moment in time, so if you need to veg out and eat pizza, do it. Bike ride for the entire day around your city? Do it. Get through!


This week is a real coming to terms with reality moment for everyone, but especially you, Pisces! You are an emotional giver who is usually able to see the beauty in it all, but you feel as if life is finite right now. It’s okay to feel sad. The world is grieving together. Express your emotions and try to see the good. It’s okay if you can’t right now, though.

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