Went A Little Hard Over The Long Weekend? This Liver Tonic Will Fix You

Waking up after the long weekend can feel like the first day back after a mini holiday. Whether you got out of town or not, it’s not easy. But pair that with a three-day hangover and it’s downright impossible.
Don’t get us wrong, we’re all for letting your hair down. But if Tuesday morning arrives like a slap in the face, you need to help your body recover. And no, we’re not suggesting you stay in bed, we’re talking about assisting your system—more specifically, your liver—with detoxification.
The liver often gets a little overlooked. I mean, it’s not the sexiest organ after all. That being said, it’s seriously important. It’s responsible for ridding the body of toxins but in doing so, it also has a hand in weight control, hormone balance, energy levels, even the clarity of our skin and eyes. Why? Because alcohol isn’t the only toxin. It also deals with unwanted substances such as pesticides, cholesterol, even stored body fat.
So whether you had one wine over the weekend or “one” wine…

…it’s a good idea to look after your liver. But limiting alcohol isn’t the only way. Other things you can do include:

  • Reduce your caffeine intake (try these tips).
  • Limit fruit to two servings per day, before morning tea
  • Eat foods high in zinc like oysters or consider taking a supplement
  • Support your liver with herbs such as St Mary’s Thistle, globe artichoke and turmeric (or try taking a supplement)
  • Enjoy a liver tonic first thing, like this one from Jessica Sepel

 JSHealth Liver Flush Tonic Recipe

JS Health Liver Flush Tonic, Liver Detox

“This tonic contains amazing detoxifying nutrients to help cleanse your liver for more energy, clearer skin and weight balance. Try it every day this week.” – Jessica Sepel

Into a small glass, add the following ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • juice 1/2 lemon or 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • Optional drops of stevia to sweeten

Stir and shot!
Jess is offering an incredible $50 OFF her online program to celebrate Spring. Starting Sunday 1st October, use the code JS50 when signing up at www.theprogram.jessicasepel.com. Offer ends midnight Tuesday 3rd October, 2017.

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