BEAUTY7 common etiquette mistakes you're making at the gym If you don’t want to be “that” person at the gym, take note. September 27, 2016
LIFESTYLEWe tried four different styles of yoga. Here's what happened. 4 weeks, 4 different ways to Downward Dog. May 5, 2016
Uncategorized7 products you should always have in your gym bag Never be late for a workout (or work) again with these 7 gym bag essentials. April 27, 2016
Uncategorized5 benefits of Barre that will have you going back for more Pulse, tuck and laugh your way to toned muscles. April 13, 2016
UncategorizedBeginner yoga 101: 7 tips for your first class Take these tips on board and we guarantee you won't be a beginner for very long. April 6, 2016