Here’s What You Should Know Before You Get a Spray Tan

Step #1: Do your hair removal the day before.

Image: Marvin Meyer via Unsplash

By now, we all know that tanning with direct sunlight is never safe for the skin, especially in a tanning bed! We definitely recommend that you wear sunscreen if you’re going to be at the beach, especially! If you are looking to get a bit of a tan though, we definitely recommend going the safe route and getting a spray tan. Getting it done professionally is always something you should prepare for so you get the best possible outcome. There are a few things that you should do if you’re going to head to the tanning salon and we’re going to tell you exactly what they are! If you want to make that spray tan last for at least two weeks, keep reading for more.

spray tan
Image: Manny Moreno via Unsplash

Here’s What You Should Know Before You Get a Spray Tan

1) Do your hair removal at least a day before

If you don’t want to look patchy, we recommend planning your hair removal ahead of time. According to Elle, you’re going to want to do a wax at least 48 hours before and a shave at least 24 hours before.

2) Exfoliate!

You want your spray tan to go onto fresh tan and for all dead skin layers to be sloughed off. You’ll need to take this off the layer with a dry brush or sponge with bristles.

3) Bring clothes that you’re not afraid of getting dirty

On the day of your spray tan, you’ll want to bring a bag of towels to set down if you’re going by car and clothes that you are okay with staining. Accidents happen, and getting orange all over your clothing is not fun. It’s also pretty hard to get off your favorite pieces!

4) Take off your jewelry!

Don’t forget to take off your jewelry (yes, your earrings!) before your spray tan. Every little shape leaves a mark or patch!

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