PSA: A Peanut Butter Dessert Bar Is Coming To Australia!

Peanut Butter Dessert Bar
Image: Instagram @peanutbutterbar

You’d be hard pressed to find a food that has more of a cult following than peanut butter. There’s just something about the addictive spread that inspires the kind of loyal devotion normally reserved for hot celebs (and possibly Nutella.) So, it was really only a matter of time before someone created a dessert bar dedicated to all things peanut butter. And if you happen to live in Sydney, Australia you can be one of the first people to experience it!

Soon, Sydneysiders will be able to chow down all things PB at Peanut Butter Bar on Leichhardt’s Norton Street. We’re talking peanut butter gelato, slices, cakes, shakes and much more! They’re not just using any old peanut butter, either. As the bar is all about indulgent wellness, all of the treats are made from natural, high protein nut butter — free from sugar and preservatives. Perfect for a pre or post workout snack! All of the desserts are also gluten free and they have vegan and vegetarian options.

Tasty desserts aside, Peanut Butter Bar will also just be a cool place to hang out. The venue will be decked out with custom decor, featuring a floor to ceiling hand painted mural of the iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger and a replica Muhammad Ali boxing ring and lots of local street art throughout.

Peanut Butter Bar is set to open its doors in early October, so you still have a little while to wait for your PB fix. In the meantime, you can check them out or keep updated with the local news on their Facebook or Instagram.

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