Modern Mystic Natalia Benson Shares A Relationship-Focused Tarot Spread for Libra Season

A DIY spread to spark self-inquiry this season.

Natalia Benson Libra Tarot Spread

Today we’re sharing a true Tarot treat! Modern mystic, astrologer and life coach Natalia Benson has developed a meaningful Tarot spread for the season, exclusive for Amodrn readers. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into Tarot (in which case, don’t miss our five fave modern decks!) or already shuffling your tattered, well-loved cards, this simple 4-card spread should spark some serious self-discovery, relevant to the current state of cosmos commotion.
Right now we’re in the midst of Libra season – loved for its commitment to justice and beautifully balanced reputation, best known for its influence in the sphere of all things relationships, partnership, equality, fairness and commitment. Libra season asks us to take a look at our one-to-one partnerships and access how we can grow, learn and evolve within the realm of love and relationships.
The following spread provides an opportunity to take a look at how we are showing up in our intimate relationships, what we are meant to learn currently and how to improve and be of service to the people we care about most deeply. Try out this tarot spread any time of year, though it may prove extra impactful now through October 22nd, when the sun leaves Libra to enter Scorpio.
Ready? Simply get centered, shuffle the cards as usual, then draw and lay them out as pictured below. 
libra season

1st Card:

How I show up in my relationships. Where I am currently as an individual and how this impacts my connections with others.

2nd (Center Bottom) Card:

A card reflecting the state of my relationships in the now moment.  

3rd (Crossing Center) Card:

What is crossing, enhancing or depleting the current state of my relationship or relationships?

4th Card:

How I can improve, heal or show up best in my relationships – a helping message on the next step or next evolution in my partnerships.   
Want to share your card pull from this spread on IG? Be sure to tag @sporteluxe and @natalia_benson for the chance to be featured. 

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