The Chimmichurri And Grilled Salmon Recipe Sure To Spice Up Your Standard Go-To

Say hello to this healthy South American spin on salmon!

Chances are, if you were ogling this recipe, you are likely a salmon fan.
In fact, let’s take a wild (salmon!) guess here and say⁠—along with chicken⁠— it’s probably your regular go-to source for easy, protein-packed meals during the week.
And why wouldn’t it be? Salmon is the ultimate superfood.
It’s packed with omega 3 fatty acids including EPA and DHA (said to help with everything from decreasing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of cancer and improving cell and artery function), it’s high in protein (which satiates you and protects bone health), it has ALL of the B vitamins (that help with brain and nervous system functioning) as well as having potassium and selenium (for blood pressure and bone health).
Suffice to say, it’s pretty much impossible not to be sold on salmon! But, what is boring, is the lack of creativity when it comes to serving salmon.
Instead of sticking with a baked salmon and salad, thanks to Leah Itsines new recipe (from her guide BARE) salmon just got exciting again⁠—with this South American spin.
With chimichurri – a popular South American condiment – as the sauce dressing up the dish, suddenly your usual go-to just got all the more greener, cleaner and sexier.

Salmon And Chimichurri

Recipe: Leah Itsines

Serves: 1
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
TIP: Score the salmon skin before placing
it onto the pan to cook. This will help the
skin not curl up and cook evenly.
115g salmon fillet, raw
1/3 cup brown rice, uncooked
2 tbsp chimichurri sauce
1⁄2 small zucchini, halved
1⁄2 red capsicum, in thin strips
1 small carrot, thin rounds
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Tsp olive oil
1. Cook rice according to packet instructions
2. Season salmon with salt and pepper.
3. In a small frying pan, heat olive oil over a medium to high heat.
4. Add zucchini, capsicum and carrot and cook for 7-10 minutes, or until veggies are cooked to your liking.
5. Remove vegetables from the pan and add salmon.
6. Cook salmon to your liking.
7. Plate up! Add rice, salmon, veggies and spoon chimichurri sauce over the top.
For more delicious spins on your fave meal staples, check out Leah Itsines BARE Guide available here.

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