hot pilates
Image: Logan Weaver via Unsplash

What In the World Is Hot Pilates and Is It Safe to Do?

We dive into this new trend and its practice.

With the world of exercise getting more creative as the days, there are new twists on exercises that we have loved for decades. From yoga to pilates, there are so many variations of how we can get our sweat on today. One that we don’t actually know a lot about is hot pilates. Hot Pilates is a low-impact, high-intensity workout that is done in a room that is heated to 95 degrees. It helps your heart rate speed up quickly so that you can get a good sweat in. It’s become super popular in the past few years because of its health benefits. We did some research to find out more about this subject. Keep reading for more!

hot pilates
Image: Helen Thomas via Unsplash

What In The World Is Hot Pilates?

What can you expect from a hot pilates class? Think pilates movements (machine or no machine) like squats, lunges, and more but with a twist. The room will be heated to over 90 degrees. There will be a cranking of the humidity. You’ll sweat it out, a lot! You won’t be holding any poses, you’ll mostly be moving, getting repetition in. You can also expect a lot of fun! You’ll most likely be dehydrated so we encourage bringing a large water bottle with you so that you are nourished. Although, it’s important to remember that sweating more will not make you burn more calories. Even if your heart rate increases, you’ll still burn the same amount of calories.

hot pilates
Image: Mathilde Langevin via Unsplash

Is It Safe?

It depends on your health! While we certainly don’t believe in putting limits on yourself, if you feel as though you are going to faint, then please exit the classroom. In any case, risk happens when you are not well prepared. Make sure that you are listening to your body in these circumstances. In any case, the warmth will help you become more flexible and help those muscles get stretched a lot more. You’ll be able to work a lot harder if you can handle the heat!

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