In this new year, we’ll be blessed with Jupiter being in Pisces from the start of 2022 and for much of the year. Jupiter, known to astrologers as the Great Benefic, is the planet of luck, expansion, and growth. We can expect a collective rush of good luck while it resides at home in Pisces. How it will deliver or gift us with blessings differs from individual to individual, depending on their personal birth or natal chart. However, by taking a look at your sun or rising sign for the horoscopes below, you can get a good idea at where you’ll find the Universe is on your side.
MaKayla McRae, aka the Starry-Eyed Mystic, is an astrologer with over seven years of experience who’s worked with Vogue, Bustle, and HYPEBAE to name a few. Born into an intuitive family, MaKayla’s passion for the mystic arts began at a very young age and has continued into adulthood, from locally-based legend to international icon. Book a reading with her here.

Here’s What the Beginning of 2022 Will Bring For Your Zodiac Sign
Aries, your twelfth house of introspection is about to be blessed. You’ll feel more comfortable spending time alone with yourself, doing the things you love. You can also expect a heightened sense of intuition and spiritual insight. This is the time to trust the voice within!
Your eleventh house of forward thinking, vision, and future aims are about to be blessed, Taurus. Expect luck coming in from networking connections or casual acquaintances. This is a time to unapologetically work towards the future you want for yourself in order to live a better tomorrow.
Gemini, your 10th house of public image and career are highlighted during this time. You’ll notice that when you’re out in public, you hold a stronger presence. You’re capable of finding gold when it comes to your big picture career path and overall sense of purpose. Trust that you can work towards any big dreams that come to mind!
For much of this new year, Jupiter in Pisces will bless Cancer’s 9th house of travel, philosophy and higher learning. Now is a great time to learn something new, study for certification, or plan to take a trip out of your comfort zone.
Jupiter in Pisces brings expansion and growth to Leo’s eighth house. Matters of shared resources, such as business partnerships, client relationships, and monetary based connections can blossom. Taking relationships to the next level of deeper intimacy, such as sharing resources like a home, material possessions, etc can be a gift. A total rebirth is in order, and for your highest good!
Virgo’s, expect a big boost of luck coming your way! Your 7th house of relationships is about to get a makeover. Whether you seek a romantic partnership, friendship, or uplifting career connections, Jupiter in Pisces will make you come off as more charming during this transit. This is a good time to ask others for what you want – you probably will get your wishes granted!
Your 6th house of responsibilities, health, tasks, and daily routines will be highlighted by Jupiter in Pisces. During this time, expect yourself to be adopting healthier habits, task or time management, and finding more joy in your day to day life. You may get sudden breakthroughs in your career life – act on your intuitive hunches!
Love and playful romance is in the air for Scorpios during this transit. Your 5th house of romance, playfulness, joy, and creativity will be impacted. This is a great time to put yourself out there in the dating scene and focus on your creative talents. Many Scorpio placements will be announcing pregnancies during this transit as well.
Sagittarians are known for their restless nature, always seeking to venture into unknown territories. As Jupiter transits your 4th house of home, family, and living circumstances, Jupiter may call you back inwards to do some self reflection. This will be an uplifting time when it comes to your foundational roots – where you live, your family, and your chosen family.
Your 3rd house of communication will be blessed, Capricorn. This means that you can network well within your community or make friends with the people who live local to you. Backing your values by getting hands on and involved in your activism will pay off majorly.
Money, money, money! Your second house of finances is about to get a boost of luck, Aquarius. This transit may very well bring you profitable money making ideas that you don’t want to ignore. Just be sure that with your luck in finances, that you use some of that energy to save wisely and not blow it!
Pisces will be most impacted by this transit, as it blesses their first house of self, identity, and life path. You will feel more confident in yourself during this time, and making changes to your physical appearance that attracts positive attention is common. During this time, trust your feelings of inspiration and clearer vision to allow you to build a new foundation!