Here’s How 3 Celeb Nutritionists Get Back on Track After a Weekend of Tequila and Nachos

Because sometimes nutritionists overdo it at happy hour, too.

The Monday morning food hangover—that icky, full-body feeling that you always seem to wake up with after a few too many weekend indulgences. You know what we’re talking about: Bloated stomach, puffy eyes, splotchy complexion, and just an overall feeling of blah. Not exactly how you wanna start your week, right?

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We have a feeling that this general malaise has something to do with the late nights, boozy brunches, and vaguely unhealthy (but oh-so-good) food we sometimes scarf down over the weekend when we’re out with our friends and significant others. So we chatted with three of our favorite celebrity nutritionists about what we can do to get back on track come Monday morning.

We learned that—surprise!—nobody’s perfect all the time. Not even professional nutritionists. And OK, maybe they’re not chugging tequila and tossing back nachos with the rest of us … But they still admit to bending the food rules a bit when they’re chilling with friends and family. Here’s what these three gorgeous, glowing women like to do when Monday rolls around to get back on wellness wagon.

Shira Lenchewski, shiraRD 

First things first, there’s no guilt. If I overindulged over the weekend it means I probably enjoyed everything I ate thoroughly. Quite simply, going overboard now and then is not the end of the world. That said, it always feels good to get back on track after a decadent weekend. During those times I’ll cut out all added sugar and grains, and focus on hydration and natural probiotic sources like coconut kefir and raw sauerkraut. 

Water: Since fluids help expel waste from the body, staying hydrated is key for de-bloating. I recommend pounding 2 to 3 liters a day.  

Probiotics: Integrating natural probiotic sources into the diet, like coconut kefir and raw sauerkraut helps keeps things moving 😉 —Shira Lenchewski

Follow Shira on Instagram here

Jessica Sepel, JSHealth 

The first thing I do after an unhealthy weekend is forgive myself. Perfect eating doesn’t exist. My goal is to always eat with balance—so 80-90% of the time that means eating well, the other 10% is for mindful indulgence, with friends and family on the weekends—life is meant to be enjoyed! I think this actually keeps me balanced and motivates me to stay on track throughout the week.

If I do overindulge, I go straight for filtered water with fresh lemon juice (2-3L throughout the day) and a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar. I also like to do a yoga class first thing—it’s amazing for detoxification and so helpful in reconnecting with your body, giving it the extra TLC it may need after an unhealthy weekend. During the day, I’ll make a commitment to up my greens intake—having a low-sugar green juice and incorporating greens and brassica vegetables at every meal is incredible for liver detoxifying.

Finally, a morning swim in Bondi is the perfect way to clear the mind and refresh the senses! I always recommend my clients try the JSHealth Seasonal Cleanse if they need a real detox—the results can be amazing! —Jessica Sepel 

Follow Jessica on Instagram here.

Kara Griffin, Feel This with Kara 

For me, Mondays (because they’re already hard enough) need to be about lightness and ease. I try to have any Monday food prep done on a Sunday night: my green smoothie with a digestion boost of aloe, cinnamon, and ginger; my hot dandelion green tea for a detoxifying pick-me-up; my probiotic laid out with a tall glass of water waiting beside it. Little things to get the body moving internally.

Having all of these items ready to go (not to mention any other lunch or dinner preps) helps me flush out the weekend, enter the week with a clearer body and mind and set me up to make feel-good, healthy choices throughout the rest of the day and week. — Kara Griffin 

Follow Kara on Instagram here.

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