7 Green Smoothie Bowls For Your St Patrick's Day Hangover

You can hardly taste the greens.

So, you’re planning on sinking a few beers today in honour of St. Patrick. How noble of you. But chances are, tomorrow you won’t be feeling like such a saint.
So, for when that time comes, we’ve put our Amodrn spin on the festivity by rounding up seven of our favourite green smoothie bowls. They’re nutritious but delicious and we promise you can hardly taste the greens. Make one first thing, go crazy with toppings and you’ll be feeling better in no time. But seriously, they’ll replenish all those nutrients you drowned in Guinness.

The Awesome Green

green smoothie bowl, smoothie bowl
Image via pinterest.com/TheAwesomeGreen/

This rejuvenating bowl is loaded with fibre and minerals to support hormone production and digestive cleanse, which you’re probably in need of right now. It has an array of fruit so you’ll hardly taste the greens and it also contains oatmeal for a filling, protein-packed breakfast.

Minimalist Baker

minimalist baker, green smoothie bowl
Image via minimalistbaker.com

Dana aka the Minimalist Baker admits to drinking a green smoothie every day for breakfast for the past five years. To spice up her mornings, she decided to pour it into a bowl. Safe to say after 1826 days, this one must be pretty tasty.

The Little Plantation

green smoothie bowl, smoothie bowl
Image via pinterest.com/source/thelittleplantation.stfi.re

Aside from the spinach, do you know what gives this bowl its soft green hue? Homemade pistachio milk. It’s surprisingly easy to make and tastes extraordinary. This is one green bowl that’s well worth a big spoonful.

Kale And Caramel

green smoothie bowl, smoothie bowl
Image via pinterest.com/kaleandcaramel/

Arguably too pretty to eat, Kale and Caramel’s rainbow green smoothie bowls are worthy of wallpaper. But take one bite and they won’t last long. With banana at the base, they’re smooth and creamy and have a dash of vanilla for extra sweetness. Plus, the green comes from spirulina blue green algae, which is seriously good for you. 

Earthly Taste

green smoothie bowl
Image via honeyandfigskitchen.com

We know why you’ve chosen this one…because of the chocolate, right? Well it certainly adds that extra hit of serotonin for your recovery blues. Earthly Taste celebrates ‘Smoothie Saturdays’ so why not continue the festivities and join her tomorrow by making this kiwifruit number?

Lola Berry

Image: Lola Berry’s Little Book of Smoothies & Juices via childmagsblog.com

If you loved Lola’s choc mousse smoothie bowl as much as we did, you’re guaranteed to enjoy the ‘Mighty Minty.’ The avocado makes it creamy and the mint keeps it fresh. She says to make a big batch, keep it in the fridge and change up your toppings every day.

The Green Life

green smoothie bowl, smoothie bowl
Image via pinterest.com/sophbourdon

If you’ve never tried buckwheat crispies, now is the time. The Green Life makes her own and they’re something special, particularly when sprinkled over this delectable green smoothie bowl. 

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