How to Get Free SoulCycle Classes With Your Credit Card

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Do the words “free SoulCycle classes” make you want to jump out of your seat and head to the spin bike? Well, get on up girl because there’s a brand new way SoulCycle enthusiasts can snag a free three-pack (or 10-pack) class to their favorite studio.
Kicking off earlier this month, American Express launched a collaboration with SoulCycle, where Platinum Card and Centurion Card members will have access to classes at reduced prices, which means you’ll reach that coveted SuperSoul status even quicker, and easier.
Every time you purchase a pack of 20 classes from SoulCycle, you’ll receive three complimentary classes (that’s a savings of US$102!), and you will also receive SuperSoul status when you get the 25-class series.
Don’t worry, though, that’s not all. You will also be able to grab 10 free “first time” passes if you’re a new Soul rider. On top of that, users will receive advance access to the company’s warehouse sales, along with free shipping on your orders.

The famed 45-minute workout has been a favorite for years, even for Victoria’s Secret Models, and it has amassed a serious celebrity fan base—and it’s no surprise why. The high-intensity, candlelight experience brings its riders closer together through every push and curve. It’s not just a sweat-dripping workout; it’s a mind-body experience that focuses on the rhythm of the one-of-a-kind playlists and that’s guided by trained instructors who will inspire you to keep moving to reach your goals, no matter what they might be.
With 82 studios (and more coming every year), it’s never been easier to get your sweat and soul on. And now, with deals like these, and the proven effectiveness of group workouts, there’s really no excuse not to hop into the saddle.
For more information on the partnership and how you can get your free classes, head here.

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