5 Eco-Friendly Australian Brands You Need To Try ASAP

From a reusable coffee cup to sustainable lipstick.

eco-friendly sustainable aussie brands
Image: Sol Cup, Edible Beauty, Cedar + Stone

Australian trailblazers are leading the way in making products that are sustainable and good for the environment. Natural ingredients that don’t make us sick, irritated, or feel off also come to play in the brains of these masterminds who take it upon themselves to make a difference in the world, all while not changing the way we live our daily lives. Consumers want to continue drinking coffee. We want to put on makeup. Our skincare should be nourishing, not giving us more reason to try and calm it down.
We made a list of our favorite eco-friendly Aussie brands ones making a huge difference in the way we buy products, in all different categories including makeup, glassware, and more.

5 Eco-Friendly Australian Brands You Need To Try ASAP

1) Sol Cups

eco-friendly sustainable aussie brands, sol cups
Image: Sol Cups

Founded by 26-year-old Rebecca Veksler, Sol Cups is a stylish, sleek and plastic-free alternative to your take away coffee cup. Addressing the mass landfill caused by 1 billion-plus coffee cups per year (in Australia alone), enjoy your espresso without the guilt. The cute colors, alongside your eco-consciousness, will inspire your friends to do the same.

2) Karen Murrell

eco-friendly sustainable aussie brands, karen murrell
Image: Karen Murrell

Whilst lipsticks don’t typically strike as an eco-friendly ‘must-have’; they should be. Opting for 100% natural ingredients such as avocado oil, evening primrose oil, candelilla, carnauba wax, cinnamon, and sweet orange is key – it minimizes environmental impact. Encased in sustainably sourced paper with vegetable-based inks; smile sweeter with this on your lips. Shop here.

3) Inika Organic

eco-friendly sustainable aussie brands, inka organics
Image: Inika Organics

Pioneering the Certified Organic beauty movement, Inika Organic’s vegan, chemical-free skincare and makeup range is non-disruptive to the delicate ecosystem. Also your body. Instead, they prioritize antioxidant-rich ingredients such as maca root, caviar lime extract, and viniderm grape extract to nourish your skin. Further – the brand prides itself on its usage of renewable resources in production too. Shop here.

4) Cedar and Stone

eco-friendly sustainable aussie brands
Image: Cedar & Stone

Concerned about deforestation? This is for you – teaming with The Eden Projects. It is also an NGO reforesting crisis zones such as Indonesia, Haiti, and Nepal. Every Cedar and Stone sale plants a tree. However, alongside admirable ethics, their 100% plant-based skincare, haircare, and essential oil range sounds dreamy: Lemon Myrtle and Rose Face Oil? Please. Shop here.

5) Edible Beauty

eco-friendly sustainable aussie brands
Image: Edible Beauty

Skincare, wellness supplements and also beauty teas derived from vitamin-rich, natural, botanical derived ingredients? Yes to all of that. Be it their vegan Native Collagen Powder with sea buckthorn, aloe vera, and Kakadu plum; or wildcrafted herbal tea (which, for the record, means the ingredients are grown without human intervention). However, Edible Beauty is ideal for the sustainability seeker. Shop here

While you’re here, check out these incredible coffee-based beauty brands we love.

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