angel numbers
Image: Ramez E. Nassif via Unsplash

This Is the Angel Number Most Americans are Searching For

What do you think it is?

 Angel numbers are sequences of repeating numbers that have become increasingly popular in American society as a means to connect with spirituality. Whether you regard this practice as a form of pseudoscience or a legitimate belief system, hundreds and thousands of Americans are searching for the meanings of particular angel numbers online every month. We interviewed ProWritingAid, experts in giving you clear, easy steps to improve your writing so you can share your ideas with confidence, to tell us more about the subject. Keep reading for more! 
  • The meaning of ‘444’ is the most sought-after Angel number definition
  • ‘222’ is the second most searched for angel number online
  •  The meaning of ‘333’ is the third most sought-after angel number definition
angel numbers
Image: Ludovica Dri via Unsplash

What are Angel Numbers? 

In numerology, angel numbers are short sequences of repeating numbers that appear in daily life that are believed to have significant meaning. For example, you may notice that the date is the 22nd of February or 222, some believe this provides messages of hope from the spiritual universe. Below are the top ten most searched-for angel numbers in the US and their meanings.  


444 is the angel number that most Americans wish to know the meaning of, with an estimated monthly search volume of 163,000 people making up 81% of worldwide searches. It becomes increasingly clear through this study that Americans make up the vast global majority of those searching for angel numbers. Angel Number 444 spiritually signifies a higher purpose. It stands for honesty, health, determination, success, inner wisdom, intuition, and confidence. Through this number, angels are by your side in everything you do.


In second place is angel number 222, which is searched for an estimated 118,000 times per month in the US, making up 81% of worldwide searches. 222 is a message of hope, representative of balance, harmony, life choices, commitment, compromise, and trust. It’s a sign that you can build on your current situation to achieve your goals. You might see Angel Number 222 when you have important decisions, conflicts, or changes in your life.


The number 333 takes third place as it is searched for an estimated 112,000 times per month in the US, making up 80% of worldwide searches for angel numbers. 333 is a sign from your angels that they are with and supporting you. This is a time of manifestation in your life, so whatever you’ve been working towards manifesting, now is the time to let go and let it come into your life.


In fourth place, with an estimated 86,000 online searches per month in the US, is angel number 555, which also makes up 81% of worldwide searches. This number is about welcoming change into your life and reminding you that your angels will keep you safe through this change.


In fifth place is angel number 111, with an estimated 64,000 online searches in the US per month, making up 77% of global searches. This number means that your angels are trying to point you in the right direction in life and want you to stay confident once you are on the correct path.


In sixth place with an estimated 55,000 monthly searches online is angel number 1111, making up 67% of global searches. Regarded as one of the most powerful messages an angel can send you, 1111 means that your aspirations will be achieved and also serves as a reminder of your great inner power.


In seventh place is angel number 777, with an estimated 37,000 monthly online searches making up 78% of global searches. When you doubt your chosen path, the number 777 will appear as a message from your angels. 777 represents spiritual awakening and acts as a comfort to you that you are on the right path.


The angel number 999 comes in eighth place with an estimated 29,000 online searches per month in America making, up a massive 85% of global searches. Angel number 999 can be both positive and negative and warns of the beginning of a new chapter in life. If you see 999 it is your angels telling you that many major changes are coming in your life and that with every ending there is a new chapter.


In ninth place with an estimated 21,000 monthly searches in the US is angel number 888, making up 84% of global searches. 888 is a sign of positive abundance and can indicate that good fortune is coming your way.


Finally, in tenth place is angel number 666, with an estimated search volume of 20,000 per month, making up 71% of worldwide searches. The first thing that is likely to come to mind when seeing 666 is evil, however, angels never have this kind of intent. 666 means that something in your life is out of balance and your angels are warning you to discover what needs to be set right again.

A spokesperson from ProWritingAid commented on the study, “A surprising result of this investigation was the sheer volume of people searching for Angel number meanings. In a country experiencing record high inflation rates and accompanying financial strains, it would seem that many are turning to the spiritual universe for guidance and comfort.” 

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