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Image: Sincerely Media via Unsplash

5 At-Home Wellness Trends That Are Here to Stay

From meditation to amazing equipment, here are our favorites.

There is no doubt that the world has had a major shake-up over the past year or so. Entire nations have been made to stay home, people are lonely and tired, but it has also created a lot of opportunity for those who want to energize communities again. At-home fitness, wellness, and mindfulness have been the saving grace we all needed. Here are a few wellness trends that we have noticed and like. We interviewed Luke McLeod, founder of Soul Alive, to find out what he’s been seeing throughout the pandemic. Keep reading for more!

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Image: Courtesy of Luke McLeod

5 At-Home Wellness Trends That Are Here to Stay

1) Innovative equipment solutions

When lockdowns first came into play last year, equipment was scarce. You could hardly find a dumbbell. This year however there have been some serious innovations emerging. From connected fitness pushing the boundaries with innovative technology, to at-home spin there are almost endless options these days.

wellness trends
Image: Courtesy of Luke McLeod

2) Mixing up your workouts

It can be hard to stay motivated to workout from home, that is why mixing up your workouts is key. If you have something new to look forward to every day, you are more likely to stick to it than if you do the same workout day in and day out. There are so many brilliant online options these days, from Flow Athletic TV who offer everything from barre to HIIT, strength, run club, yoga, pilates and more. Some of our favorites are barre, HIIT and power pilates, and HIIT. There is something for everyone so there is no reason to not be entertained by your online workouts.

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Image: Deborah Diem via Unsplash

3) Mindfulness and meditation

Meditation and mindfulness is booming and it is set to get more and more popular. In fact, it is set to become a $2 billion industry by next year and for good reason, people really need it. There are lots of options from live streamed meditation classes and workshops on Australia’s own Soul Alive, to story telling on Calm. Luke McLeod says, “It’s great to see more people signing up to meditation and mindfulness platforms before they get burnt out. Usually, people come to me exhausted and flustered, but I think the message of minding your mental health is finally starting to hit home and more people are taking meditation on without hitting rock bottom first. It has been great to see.” 

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Image: Motoki Tonn via Unsplash

4) Connection

One thing that can get lost in the online space is the feeling of being connected. When you go to a gym or studio usually, even if you don’t know the people there you still get to interact with them whereas that can get a bit lost from home. However one way to get that connection is to sign up for workshops. Learning a skill with likeminded people is a great way to feel connected and interact with a community all striving for the same goal. If they have a group chat where you can throw around ideas/ learning and support each other, then even better.

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Image: Vadim Butenkov via Unsplash

5) A focus on improving sleep

If last year taught us anything, it was to prioritize our health. More people are looking to improve the quality of their sleep, from going to bed earlier. Some even listen to meditations a before bed and take supplements. Magnesium is a brilliant supplement to take before bed as it helps our muscles relax and recover and can also support neuromuscular function. Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body such as supporting nerve and muscle function as well as your energy levels. It can also help you get a better nights sleep. Improving sleep is one of our favorite wellness trends.

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Image: Greogory Pappas via Unsplash

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