3 Unexpected Benefits Of A Crystal Roller—From A Crystal Sceptic

It's not just about the spirituality or skincare!

When it comes to crystals, I have to admit that I’m a bit of a sceptic. As much as I’d love to believe that rose quartz will open my heart or jade will eliminate negativity, I’ll believe it when I see the science. So, as a decidedly un ‘woo woo’ person, it surprised the people around me when I bought myself a crystal face roller.
The tool, which features oval-shaped crystals like jade, rose quartz or amethysts is thought to infuse healing vibes into the body through the face. It’s also been making major waves in the beauty world lately, as the DIY lymphatic massage you get from the rolling movement is said to give you glowing skin. However, I didn’t buy my rose quartz roller for either of these reasons. Read on for 3 unexpected benefits you can get from your crystal roller.

1. Relieve facial tension with a DIY massage

Here’s the main reason I bought mine. As someone who clenches my jaw when I’m stressed, I hold a whole lotta tension in my face. I constantly feel like I need a face massage and my facial roller is the perfect tool for this. The little stones are really able to get into the crevasses of my jaw and release the tension. Plus, it feels super good — especially if you keep it in the fridge, so it’s nice and cold. If you, like me, experience jaw pain, or your have TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction), crystal rolling is the perfect way to help alleviate some of that tension. Just be sure to move it in a horizontal pattern away from the face, and don’t go too hard — you don’t want to click anything out of place!


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2. Incorporate it into your self-care routine

Crystal rolling is the perfect on-the-go self-care activity. Not only does it feel awesome, but it can be an excellent mindfulness ritual. Try closing your eyes and focusing on the physical sensation of the roller gliding over your face. To make it a true sensory experience, put a delicious-smelling facial oil on the roller (this is great for your skin too, as the stone helps your products penetrate the skin more deeply) and put on some relaxing music. As the roller is so small and portable, you can easily pop it in your handbags and do this self-care activity anywhere — whether it’s in the office or while you’re travelling.

crystal facial rollers with skincare products and roses around them.
Image: Pinterest | catsdailyliving.com

3. Eliminate under-eye puffiness

Remember how people used to put spoons in the fridge to put under their eyes? Well, you can use your crystal roller in a similar way! The stone naturally stays cold (you may want to avoid putting it in the fridge for this delicate skin area), which helps to reduce puffiness. Plus, the rolling movement helps improve circulation, which improves the appearance of under-eye bags. Some beauty aficionados also swear that applying their eye-cream to their roller has helped improve wrinkles under the eyes. 

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