7 Drool-Worthy Vegan Burgers You Have To Try In Sydney

And they're absolutely guilt-free!

When eating well is a lifelong pursuit, there are some days  (*cough* the hungover ones *cough) when you just need a juicy, dirty burger to satisfy those cravings. As supermodel Gigi Hadid once famously said: ‘Eat clean to stay fit; have a burger to stay sane’… word!
Life is about balance and sometimes life calls for something a little more wholesome and soul nourishing than a kale salad, but just because you want a burger with the lot, doesn’t mean it can’t be healthy, or come laden with melted cheese guilt.

Quite the opposite actually—with the vegan burger scene booming in Sydney, there’s a burger to satisfy your every need (carnivore inclined or not) and not only do they taste good but lessen your eco footprint too.

For a vegan burger fix, we’ve curated a guide to the best meat-less and cruelty-free sustainable burgers in Sydney. You’re welcome!

1. P.E. Nation Burger from Chargrill Charlies

Vegan just became officially ‘in fashion,’ with the first vegan burger collaboration launching this week in conjunction with streetwear label P.E. Nation x Chargrill Charlies. The Vegan Burger features a vegan patty (made of carrot, zucchini, sweet potato, lentils, onion and potato) topped with lettuce, tomato, onion and generous drops of sweet chilli sauce and is naturally gifted in a designer bespoke box upon purchase.
Location: Woollahra, Annandale, Frenchs Forest, Lane Cove, Mona Vale, Mosman, Neutral Bay, Rose Bay, St Ives, Wahroonga, Willoughby.

2. Brown Rice Buddha Burger from The Green Lion

For times when you want a good pub feed (and maybe a cheeky hair of the dog) but want to stay sustainable, check out the brown rice buddha burger from this plant-based pubA delicious and hearty patty made of brown rice, black beans, quinoa seeds and veggies and served with greens, pickled cucumber and tahini, this burger is sure to hit the spot (and line the stomach too).
Location: Rozelle

3. Brekky Roll from Ruby Lonesome

For those Sunday morning Sydney days we’re you’ve finished a long walk or power flow and need a wholesome brunch, you can’t go past this vegan brekky roll. Featuring local brand Suzy Spoons Vegetarian Butcher’s ‘kale and cauliflower vegan sausages’ and topped up with crispy baked kale, house made tomato and whisky relish this roll is the kind of finger licking goodness you can’t wait long enough to ‘gram. Did we mention it comes with a side of hash browns?
Location: Petersham

Image: Ruby Lonesome

4. Veggie Burger from Nalinis

This Ayurvedic restaurant is legendary in Sydney, but now they’ve added a ‘veggie burger’ (read: still vegan) to their already epic vegan ice-cream and dahl menu. Made using their own homemade sweet potato and lentil patty and topped with beetroot, salad, cucumber, tomatoes and house-made ketchup and house-made vegan mayo, if it couldn’t get any more delish, it also comes with a side of taro fries.
Location: Bronte

5. Portuguese fried chicken from Soul Food

A fast food chain who places love and the environment at the forefront, Soul Food makes only plant based burgers across the board but it’s their vegan ‘Portuguese Fried Chicken’ that will win your heart. For days when you want that greasy goodness (without the guilt), this burger will hit the spot—with plant-based friend chicken, apple slaw, jalapenos, peri peri sauce and tomato relish.
Location: Various locations in Sydney.

6. Vegan Cheeseburger 2.0 from Grilld

With a recent ‘Meatless Monday’ themed day rolled out nationally across all outlets, Grilld burger has been making waves in the fast food chain world, trying to convert traditional consumers to trying veg and vegan options. With the ‘Vegan Cheeseburger 2.0’ a staple on their menu, you can get your classic cheeseburger fix sans the guilt. Made with a vegan ‘beef’ patty, Dijon mustard, dill pickles, vegan cheese, Spanish onion, tomato sauce and vegan mayo it’s the kind of drool worthy burger you will need to save a serviette for.
Location: Various locations in Sydney

vegan burgers
Image: @grilledburgers

7. Shroom Burger from The Tuckshop

Priding themselves on good quality ‘takeaway tucker’ this local joint in Glenhaven aims to please all, with ‘Tradie rolls,’ to ‘green smoothies’ and of course vegan ‘shroom burgers.’ Featuring a ‘mushroom schnitzel’ as the base and layered with tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, onion, vegan special sauce and a milky bun, this shroom special is sure to leave you lining up on the regular (and with no tuckshop lady anxiety either!).
Location: Glenhaven

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