The 7 Best Keto Cookbooks For Low-Carb Recipe Inspo

The first week on a keto diet, it all feels too good to be true. ‘I get to eat bacon and cheese and butter and STILL lose weight? This is amazing!’ you think. This is especially the case if you’ve previously been on diets that forbid such foods.
But within a few weeks, you begin to miss the texture of bread and noodles and other delicious, carb-y things. Plus, eating the same thing all the time gets old, no matter how tasty they are.
As with any way of eating, keeping things interesting is the key to long-term success. And with these 7 awesome low-carb, high-fat cookbooks on hand, we guarantee you’ll never lack inspiration.

The Ketogenic Cookbook

If you’ve previously been a fan of the paleo way of eating but have been thinking of making the shift to keto, this is the cookbook for you. It features over 200 delicious low-carb, high-fat, wholefood recipes.
Shop The Ketogenic Cookbook.

Low Carb Healthy Fat

Say what you will about Pete Evans, the man knows how to dream up some pretty mouthwatering healthy recipes. In this cookbook, he proves that keto recipes are no exception. Our personal favourite? The bacon-wrapped avocado fries.
Shop Low Carb Healthy Fat.

A Year of Fat Bombs

Recently, we wrote about fat balls and how they’re the perfect low-carb, high-fat snack for people on a keto diet. But if that wasn’t inspiration enough, Elizabeth Jane has created this cookbook that features a different fat bomb recipe for every day of the week!
Shop A Year of Fat Bombs.

The Wicked Good Ketogenic Diet Cookbook

This cookbook from Wicked Stuffed is the ultimate all-rounder for keto-ers. It covers breakfast, lunch, dinner, smoothies and snacks and has a fantastic range of recipes for any budget.
Shop the Wicked Good Ketogenic Diet Cookbook

Bacon & Butter: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook

If you think bacon and butter sounds good, wait until you see the rest of the recipes in this keto cookbook! Think cheesy-crust pizza and zucchini lasagne. It’s also a great book for beginners, as it’s packed with useful information on getting started.
Shop Bacon & Butter: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook

Easy Low-Carb Slow Cooking

Being rather meat and veg-based, the keto diet is perfectly suited to slow cooker recipes. Filled with 125 ‘prep-and-go’ recipes, this cookbook will help you take advantage of your trusty crockpot.
Shop Easy Low-Carb Slow Cooking

Keto Comfort Foods

Think comfort foods like nachos, fried chicken and pie have to be off the menu when you go keto? Not on author Maria Emmerich’s watch! In this cookbook, she shows you how to recreate these classics using keto-friendly ingredients.
Shop Keto Comfort Foods
Want more keto inspiration? Check out these 11 dessert recipes you won’t even be able to tell are low carb.

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