6 Different Crystals To Sleep With Under Your Pillow

6 Different Crystals To Sleep With Under Your Pillow


As you know by now, we’re not afraid to get a little woo-woo here at Amodrn. Anything for the sake of health, right?
And whether you believe in the healing power of crystals or think they’re really pretty, there’s no denying that the mineral trend is only gaining steam. According to Heather Askinosie, founder of Energy Muse, crystals have their energy frequencies—and having them near us affects our energy.
So if you carry a stone on your person to amplify your energetic abundance, you might notice a little extra cash flow your way or that everyone seems to want to buy you dinner. Some crystals don’t just affect your emotional well-being—they can heal your physical ailments, too. When it comes to sleep, keeping a few shiny rocks under your pillow might be the thing that helps you finally feel rested and recharged.


Selenite is the MVP of crystals—if you’re looking for a mineral that’ll instantly clear your energetic field and make you feel good, selenite is your go-to! Grab a selenite wand if you go to bed feeling out of sorts, jumbled, or distracted. Pop it under your pillow to clear your aura and realign your chakras while you sleep. You’ll wake up feeling centered and balanced.


Sometimes the names of crystals are less than subtle—Angelite is an excellent example. Used to connect to higher powers, angels, and spirits and for facilitating feelings of calm and inner peace, Angelite is used for physical ailments like sleep and osteoporosis. Put it under your pillow and ask for messages from your angels while you sleep.


A beautiful stone that represents mental clarity and is connected to the heart chakra, Flourite can help you fall asleep faster and have more lucid dreams. Keep it in your pocket on the reg to have a wiser, more balanced view of life. This will help improve decision-making, help manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition.


via @energymuse

Sleeping with a deep purple amethyst under your pillow or on your bedside table facilitates out-of-body experiences and lucid dreaming. An amazing stone for protection from bad vibes (great to keep on your desk at work, too!), it’s perfect for keeping bad dreams at bay.


via @energymuse

With a name like a moonstone, this desert-hued stone is great for helping you sleep! Moonstone is supposed to help with calming emotional tension and is also a powerful stone for tapping into feminine energy.

Smoky Quartz

via @nwcrystals

Contrary to the rest of the stones on this list, smoky quartz is a grounding stone. It’s incredible to use for manifesting all of your hopes and dreams during waking hours, and during sleep, it’s lovely for relaxing your energy to help you fall asleep more quickly.

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