5 online fitness programs that make exercising easy

Have you fallen into an exercise rut, hitting snooze every morning and watching Netflix at night? Or perhaps you’re feeling motivated but just don’t know where to start.
There’s no denying that the gym can be a daunting place and personal trainers can be expensive. To stay consistent and determined, exercise needs to be easy and accessible, and fit in to our daily lifestyle. We’ve rounded up five of the most effective but inexpensive online fitness programs that take the stress out of working out.

5 online fitness programs that’ll make you want to exercise

bottoms up fitness, bufgirl, bufgirl.com, online workouts

BUF Girl

Founded by personal trainer, Libby Babet and backed by a group of expert fit-chicks, BUF Girl online offers five different exercise programs specifically tailored to women. The guides run for varying lengths but all provide well-crafted daily workouts made up of a combination of strength and plyometric, high intensity interval training. Getting in shape for your wedding? Try the 8-week BUF Bride program. Coming into summer? Choose ‘Look Good Naked’. Just want to get fit and stay healthy? We’d recommend starting with their signature 6-week foundation program, BUF Body then moving on to BUF Little Black Dress – we tried it and we loved it! 
We love: along with the workouts, BUF provides nutrition information, recipes and other tips and tricks throughout. They also send you a daily email with a link to today’s workout and some words of encouragement like a good sporty sister.

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sweat with kayla, kayla itsines app, BBG, kayla itsines

Sweat with Kayla

We know we don’t have to tell you about the success and effectiveness of Kayla Itsines and her Bikini Body Guides (BBG) – an Instagram feed of transformation photos can do that for us. But have you tried the next step in her fitness journey, the ‘Sweat with Kayla’ app? Along with the first two BBG, the app includes a new 12-week program (weeks 25 – 36), weekly meal plans, a shopping list, a workout tracker, educational health and fitness blog posts and more.
We love: how easy it is to keep yourself on track and accountable. Kayla takes the guess work out with her daily menu and allows you to easily track your progress with a nifty photo feature that compares your before and after shots side-by-side.

Sign up here.

nike training app, nike training club app, NTC app, NT+C app, nike

Nike+ Training Club

Nike+ Training Club app contains over 100 workouts designed by expert Nike Master Trainers. All you have to do is choose your level – new to training to practically pro – and your goal – lean, toned, strong – and choose a workout. It also includes a customisable 4-week program to keep you on track and accountable.
We love: it offers workouts as short as 10 minutes which can be great tagged on to the end of your session for extra burn or as a single workout if you are pressed for time.

Sign up here.

fitness app, online fitness


A new contender on the online fitness scene, The * Athletico provides a fresh take on daily exercise. Sign up for just $1 per day (billed monthly) and in return you’ll receive a new workout delivered straight to your mailbox every morning – if that’s not incentive enough to workout every day, we don’t know what is! Launched earlier this month, The * Athletico already has 300 members, a large portion of which are personal trainers who use the workouts for their own PT sessions!
We love: you never have to go to bed with the fear of 100 burpees in tomorrow’s session because every workout is a daily surprise, just like having a personal trainer.

Sign up here.

rachael attard, rachael attard 3 steps to skinny legs, rachael attard 3 steps to a flat stomachRachael Attard’s 3 Step Guides

Rachael Attard’s downloadable e-books are the perfect all-encompassing health guides to get you started or back on track. ’3 steps to skinny legs’ is an 8-week program designed specifically for women to target stubborn lower body fat or to lean out bulky legs while ‘3 steps to a flat stomach’ is designed to get those washboard abs. Although specifically focusing on these areas, the programs work the entire body for all over slimming and toning. Each e-book also comes with a separate nutrition plan with over 40 healthy recipes.
We love: unlike other programs, Attard’s are designed based on body type – ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph – meaning both exercise and nutrition is tailored accordingly in order to maximise results. For instance, if you’re an ectomorph your diet may have a higher carbohydrate intake than that of an endomorph – lucky you!

Sign up here. 


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