5 of our favourite eco-conscious, Australian hair care brands

With Australia Day around the corner, we’re feeling a little patriotic and while we’d like to do a roundup of Tim Tams and Iced Vovos, it wouldn’t be very Amodrn of us, would it?
So instead, to celebrate Australia Day, we’ve decided to share with you some of our favourite eco-conscious hair care products that are true blue Aussie.

5 Australian hair care brands to have you buying local

1. De Lorenzo

Founded in 1945 by the De Lorenzo brothers, Vincent and Anton, De Lorenzo remains a family run business with a strong ethical conscience. Their products are 100% Australian made, being developed and created from fruition to completion on their site in Silverwater, Sydney (the only Australian hair care brand to do so). They use certified organics where possible and source local ingredients from fair trade organisation, Outback Spirit…it doesn’t get much more Aussie than that!

instant rejuven8 treatment

We love: Instant Rejuven8 Treatment

This colour-safe repair treatment is one worth adding to your beauty routine. Infused with baobab protein and ginkgo biloba, it is designed to restore dry, damaged hair to its former glory. Naturally based, it will nourish from root to tip.

Available through selected salons


2. Pure Hair Food

Pure Hair Food ticks all the boxes. Their products don’t contain sulphates or parabens, are cruelty free and are of course, 100% Aussie. According to one of the founders, hairdresser, Nadia Valeria, Pure Hair Food’s naturally derived products were designed to be a “green smoothie for hair.” She says, “it’s all about putting nutrients and antioxidants back in the hair, promoting healthier hair growth, smoother hair, shinier hair, basically making hair softer and more manageable.” And the best bit? Being an Australian company, their range was specifically designed for the Australian climate, making it the perfect summer protection.

pure hair food detox your hair shampoo, pure hair food clarifying shampoo

We love: Detox Your Hair Clarifying Shampoo $28.90

A detoxing shampoo that removes build-up of product and harsh chemicals. The product contains aloe vera, pro vitamin B5 and wheat protein. The natural ingredients penetrate deep into the hair follicle to promote healthy hair growth while alleviating dandruff, psoriasis and seborrhea.

3. Original Mineral

O&M have a no nasty-chemical policy that we are 100% on board with. They’ve removed harsh chemicals from their products in favour of quality botanicals and active minerals to produce salon professional results with a clean conscience. Plus all they’re products are 100% recyclable. Born in Sydney, O&M now have a global fan base and it’s no surprise why.

O&M C Paste, Original and mineral hair styling

We love: C Paste $31.85 (100g)

Unlike other hair pastes, which often use petroleum based products; C Paste is powered by coconut oil making it natural, nourishing and so sweet-smelling that we wish it was edible. A pliable, lightweight styling paste for shape and shine, C Paste is the newest addition to the O&M family.

Available end of January through Australian stockists and online at O&M.


4. Eleven Australia

The brains behind Eleven Australia are Australian icons and leaders in the hair industry – three-time Australian Hairdresser of the Year, Joey Scandizzo, and Australian Photographer of the Year, Andrew O’Toole. With a wealth of experience and expertise, they developed a hair care range that is simple but effective, and one they actually wanted to use in the salon, on photo shoots and on runways.

miracle hair treatment eleven

We love: Miracle Hair Treatment $24.95

Who wouldn’t want a hair product that promises to do miracles? And 11 to be exact. From adding shine and moisture to strengthening fragile hair and even preventing split ends, this is a must-have for healthy hair.

5. ecostore

Ok, ok. We confess. ecostore was actually born in New Zealand but we love this product so much we couldn’t help ourselves. Plus – NZ is close enough right? As the name suggests, ecostore is an environmentally conscious brand built on the principles of sustainability and organic practices. Backed by a wealth of scientific research, under the direction of lead formulator and chemist (and 2010 New Zealander of the Year), Sir Ray Avery, each product is months in the making, ensuring the safest health, environmental and efficacy standards are achieved.

eco store anti-dandruff shampoo, eco store anti-dandruff conditioner, anti-dandruff shampoo

We love: Anti-Dandfruff Shampoo and Conditioner $10.99 each

Even if you do not suffer from dandruff, many people have a sensitive scalp which is only exacerbated by harsh, chemical-laden hair care. ecostore’s range of products (for body and home) have a long history of helping to soothe and prevent eczema, dermatitis, asthma and other allergies. Their Anti-Dandruff Shampoo not only nourishes the scalp but leaves your hair shiny and luscious. Now available in Priceline Pharmacies.

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