5 Hacks To Feel More Confident In Your Bikini This Beach Season

Image: Instagram @aerie

It’s a scenario most of us are familiar with. Sometime in April, you promise yourself this is the year you’re finally going to get that #summerbod you’ve always dreamed of. You make a mental note to eat clean for every meal and hit the gym every day. You then proceed to spend the next few months snoozing your alarm everytime it goes off for your early morning gym sesh and eating all of the pizza and pancakes — but you tell yourself it’s okay, because you’ve still got ageeees.
Nek minnut, it’s September, summer is just around the corner and that elusive bikini body is nowhere to be seen. Whoops! Now, we’re not going to tell you how to shed 10kg in three months, because we don’t believe in quick fixes OR that you need to be a certain weight to rock a bikini. Nor are we going to tell you that every body is a bikini body (yes, it’s true, but it’s a bit of a cliché).
What we are going to do is give you five practical, easy tips to make you feel like the goddess you are when it’s time to rock your swimsuit. Happy beachin’!

Find the right fit

Okay, so we know nobody enjoys bikini shopping. But finding a swimsuit that fits you correctly and is flattering to your individual body shape is super important when it comes to making you feel like the hottest version of yourself. You can check out our guide for finding the right swimsuit for your body shape here.

Fake it til’ you make it

Don’t underestimate the power of a good tan in making you feel about 10 times hotter. Of course, we’re not going to suggest you bake in the sun for hours. Instead, do the responsible thing and fake it ’til you make it with a good faux tanner. The Bondi Sands range is my personal favourite at the moment (it’s nearly impossible to mess up) and you can check out some other, natural-looking options here.

Find some inspo

If you’re short and curvy and you’re comparing yourself to how 6 foot supermodels look in a bikini, you’re always going to end up feeling deflated. That says, there’s a difference between comparing yourself to others and being inspired by them. Seeing how other gals with a similar bod to you are absolutely rockin’ their swimsuits can be a huge confidence boost. You can start by checking out these fit girls of different shapes and sizes.


Don’t mind me, just looking for homewares in a lab supply store 😇

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While it’s fun to eat delicious foods at the beach with friends, nobody feels their sexiest when they’ve just inhaled a burger and chips. That’s why it’s worth doing a little prep work to debloat before you hit the beach. The evening and morning before, avoid bloat-inducing foods like processed carbs, dairy, cruciferous veggies and anything high in sodium. It’s also worth gulping down some water with fresh lemon, as this helps to flush out any excess salt — often the culprit behind that puffy feeling.


Don’t be afraid to play with accessories when you’re hitting the beach — it’s not about hiding the parts of your body you don’t like, it’s about making the most of  the parts you do. For example, if you love your tummy, a belly chain will accentuate your curves. We love Pretty Little Thing’s range. If you’ve got great legs but aren’t so crazy about your mid-section, try a pair of mid-calf gladiator sandals. A sarong or kimono is also great to have on hand, for when it gets a little cooler in the afternoon (or you’ve just eaten that burger!)

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