5 common shower mistakes that contribute to dry skin

Turns out a hot shower may be doing more harm than good.

Sure, we don’t mind cashmere sweaters and decadent hot chocolates in the cooler months, but dry, scaly skin, not so much. But, have you ever considered that your shower routine could be contributing to this skincare woe?
Ahead we’ve broken down the five most common showering mistakes that could be drying out your skin.

5 shower mistakes that may be drying out your skin

Taking long, hot showers

hot showers, dry skin, winter skin, Dove Beauty Cream Bar, shower routine
Image credit: iStock

There’s nothing quite like a hot shower to warm up on cold mornings and relax in the evenings, but it turns out they may be doing more harm than good. Steaming hot showers can actually strip your skin of its natural oils, making it more prone to dryness.

Using stripping body washes, soaps and gels

More often that not, shower washes and soaps are filled with ingredients that strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it feeling (and looking) dry, irritated, lacklustre and worst of all, itchy. The solution? Dove’s Beauty Cream Bar. Dove’s iconic Beauty Bar is not a soap, and contains natural lipids in addition to a ¼ moisturising cream to nourish parched, dull-looking skin. It also helps skin retain this much-needed natural moisture. Furthermore, it is PH neutral, soap-free, paraben-free and hypoallergenic, meaning that it provides the unique combination of both mild and more importantly, effective cleansing.
The luxe lather and refreshingly mild and clean scent is sure to invigorate (and hydrate) your mornings.

Not rinsing soap off properly

Soap, dry skin, winter skin, shower routine, Dove Beauty Cream Bar
Image credit: iStock

If left on the skin, soap and shower cleansers can be extremely irritating and can even contribute to pesky breakouts for some people. Be sure to rinse those suds thoroughly.

Rough towel drying

Did you know that how you dry off is just as important as how you wash? To prevent dry or sensitive skin from getting worse, simply pat down your skin with a towel.

Waiting too long to moisturise

Moisturise, dry skin, winter skin, shower routine, Dove Beauty Cream Bar
Image credit: iStock

You may want to get dressed ASAP post-shower, especially in the cooler months, but moisturising is key to hydrating skin. Apply a moisturizer within three to five minutes of showering to lock in moisture.

Dove Beauty Cream Bar, dry skin, soap, shower routine, shower mistakes, winter skinShop → Dove Beauty Cream Bar
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