Your Weekly Horoscope News: May 25th – May 31st

Everything you absolutely need to know to get through this upcoming week.

your weekly horoscope news
Image: Alexander Andrews via Unsplash

Hey Amodrn readers, happy Memorial Day! We are nearing summer and the air feels different, wouldn’t you say? Remember how we told you last week to prepare yourself for a cosmic shift? It’s steadily approaching. You need to mentally, physically, and spiritually ground the soul. Last week we said goodbye to the Taurus season to make way for the Gemini season. There’s also a New Moon in Leo this week that opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius on Wednesday, so prepare for change. Then Mercury enters Cancer on Friday, where it will retrograde in a few weeks.

weekly horoscopes, people walking by tarot reader shop
Image: Pixel Parker via Unsplash

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

What’s going on, Aries? We know that being kept inside is not like your zodiac sign. You embrace solitude on your own terms, usually. Wednesday’s Moon-Saturn opposition makes for some weird interactions for your sign, to say the least. Communication is key, Aries.

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

It doesn’t even feel like you’ve left the office, Taurus. For the time lost getting to and from work, it seems like you’ve got even more of a workload piled on top of you. Take a breather, tell your boss you need a day or two to recuperate. Returning to normal life will be hard and you should take some time off.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

HBD Gemini, again! We’ve got so much time to celebrate you. You’re our beginning of summer baby! Wednesday’s Saturn-Moon opposition will help you celebrate in more ways than one. Listen to your heart and maybe a surprise will come your way.

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Cancer, this week is a doozy for you. Wednesday’s Saturn-Moon opposition will prove a little challenging for your sign when it comes to feeling good about the future. Do not get sour! Take your time to ease into anything, as you are an emotional sign!

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leo, learn to trust, please! The Saturn-Moon opposition on Wednesday helps you trust a little more than you usually do. Don’t pull your usual guard when we come out of this. You may learn to be surprised more often than not.

Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgo, hello! This week’s going to be a big one for you. It is important to center yourself this month instead of focusing on things that distract you. Take our word for it, you’ll come out of this quarantine a better person.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Libra, we sense your not so nice side coming out to play this week. No more staying down and not defending yourself. This Wednesday’s Saturn-Moon opposition tells you to be confrontational about what you’re thinking. Never downplay that emotion or let someone be rude to you.

Scorpio (October 23rd –  November 22nd)

You don’t do a lot for yourself, Scorpio. Wednesday’s Saturn-Moon opposition wants you to do you first. You are a giver, but sometimes you give a lot more to another person. While this may be worth it, it’s always good to love yourself.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st)

This may be the year you finally find love, Sag. This Wednesday’s Saturn-Moon opposition allows for some romance to finally head your way. Be clear about what you want from the get-go though, as this has seemed to trip you up before.

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Capricorn, you may also have some romance headed your way. You are strong-willed and focus so heavily on other aspects of your life, a little love is always needed. Wednesday’s Saturn-Moon opposition wants to give you the pleasure you deserve.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 19th)

Aquarius, what’s going on? Saturn-Moon opposition on Wednesday turns a foggy romance into a probable, successful love. This Friday, Mercury enters your Cancer-ruled health and routine zone, just in time for the dreaded summer body countdown to begin. But healthy is beautiful, so make sure your body feels good enough to do all the fun you’ll have this summer, and not just look good.

Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)

Pisces, our ever-loving, always the defense guard of life. You give so much support to others, sometimes you need to look at your own life and use your advice for yourself. A Saturn-Moon opposition makes sure you dissect your worries too. Mercury enters your Cancer-ruled confidence zone on Friday, so get ready to feel oh so good about yourself.
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