Happy Monday! Alex of High Priestess of Brooklyn here with your Astro x Tarot Scopes weekly horoscope for August 10th – August 17th. Another week in paradise! Venus moved into dreamy Cancer August 7th and Mercury went into Firey Leo on August 4th. The result? See below for guidance for your sign! Read on for what’s illuminated for you this week and listen to our full forecast on Priestesses Prescribe! Keep reading for your weekly horoscope.

Your Weekly Horoscope
When Mercury AND the sun are in your sign, the keys are in the ignition my Leo friend! Use this week’s Eight of Wands energy to move the momentum forward in your love life or home projects.
This is a week of observation as things swirl in anticipation around you, Virgo. The Four of Cups asks us to weigh the options being presented to us and make a decision once we feel ready and not a second before. This should be no problem for your logical sign!
You may have an awesome offer presented to you this week, Libra. Whether its a job or a project, make sure you double-check the terms being presented to you. It’s totally fine to take your time evaluating the long term benefits and negotiate!
It’s not easy being the Queen (of Cups)! Venus in Cancer may have you taking a little more burden of empathy in your relationships this week, leaving you feeling burnt out and a little crabby. Reminder to take some “me” time this week, Scorpio!
You have so much power to manifest this week Sagittarius. The problem is, what do you want? You have likely experienced so much personal growth in the past few months that you may want to re-evaluate your hopes and dreams for the future.
This is a week to plant seeds for your future as well, Capricorn. But this Ace of Pentacles suggests that you ground down in order to get clear and invite in abundance. When was the last time you saged?
Not totally comfortable making a decision? Unfortunately, the Two of Swords suggests you’re going to have to as you are between a rock and a hard place. If you need more help, get an objective view from a friend or a trusted intuitive.
Endings are so tough Pisces, especially for your fluid sign. No matter how hard you ignore this issue, it will keep popping up for you to deal with once and for all. No matter how painful, remember that endings are necessary for new beginnings to emerge.
You don’t trust them as far as you can throw them this week, Aries. You’re questioning the flashy sales tactics and smoke in mirrors ad-campaigns on the ‘gram. Luckily you know exactly how to deal with this energy – unfollow!
Resisting the unknown is the downfall of your sign, which is exactly why you need to fight against those urges. Calculated risks can yield big rewards, Knight of Pentacles. Do one thing that scares you this week, Taurus!
You’ve made some crazy financial leaps in the last few months, Gemini! But sitting atop your newfound success has you feeling fearful of losing it all this week. Do your best to embody the courage of the lion and keep your creative spirit up -you know, that thing that contributed to your success!
Venus in your sign allows you to feel the feels for your partner, Cancer. Keep in mind that you do need to be realistic about their weaknesses the same as their strengths, and love them for them! If you’re single, beware of the googly eyes, aka the beer goggles of love.
As a rising Capricorn/Gemini Sun/Scorpio Moon and a lifelong student of all things mystic, Alex Caiola, aka High Priestess of Brooklyn uses Tarot and Astrology as a language to interpret energy for your weekly horoscope. She discovered her gift of Claircognizance (Psychic Knowing) in her ’20s, smack-dab in the middle of her ten-year career in Talent Management. Both careers have been centered around her innate ability to understand people. Over time, she realized her gift was taking esoteric, inaccessible wisdom, and breaking it down into practical advice. She founded High Priestess of Brooklyn with the mission of helping people achieve Modern Enlightenment. She believes everyone should be able to access the benefits of mysticism, not just the spiritually elite, so she created this platform to deliver curated spiritual wellness practices in a down-to-Earth format. Alex resides in Williamsburg, Brooklyn so the name High Priestess of Brooklyn was intuitive.
Consistent Tarot Practice has incredible potential to bring about self-awareness, empathy, and trust in your universal purpose. Alex is here to give that to you. But in order for Spiritual guidance to stick, we have to bring it down to Earth. Alex believes in prescribing the best solution for the situation, which may be a Salt bath, a tough conversation with your partner, a manifestation list, or all of the above. During these unprecedented times, she can help guide you through difficulties you might be facing and help you better understand and become the best version of yourself.