Your Weekly Horoscope: February 17th – February 23rd

Energy is a big, big theme this week.

weekly horoscope, eclipse
Image: Shaw Global News

Well, folks, we’re officially in Mercury Retrograde for the next month or so. It’s usually a time to reflect and be cautious in decision making. This week, movement in the stars is affecting our energy most of all. Mars and the Sun are moving into Capricorn, so Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn will be bouncing off of the walls. The Sun will move into Pisces, to boost the energy of the Water Signs so Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The shift of Mars and Sun will, however, affect all of the signs. But don’t forget, Mercury Retrograde’s power will throw everything out of wack as well.
Keep reading for your weekly horoscope!

weekly horoscopes, people walking by tarot reader shop Image: Pixel Parker

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

Aries, these next few weeks might be, to say the least, confusing for you. Mars will ignite your ambition so you’ll feel like you want to move ahead in your career, status, and reputation. But with the Sun in your chart, you might have some voices in the back of your mind contradicting your thought. Just think things through and you should be fine.

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

Taurus, you’ve got an interesting week ahead. For you, Mars makes you want to travel and explore outside your usual realm. You’ll be more energized than ever to take charge and live your life according to how you want to. Your sector of socializing will be lit up, so don’t be afraid to have a night out and work on more team-based projects than solo.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

You’ve got the Sun will be at the top of your chart. This symbolizes that you are in a flattering spotlight, which means that others are seeing you in your great and true light. They are seeing your accomplishments, appreciating your effort, and falling in love with you all over again. Take it all in, Gemini, you deserve it.

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Mars is opposite your sign for the next month, Cancer. This means your usual fun-loving attitude might be a little on edge. You can easily get angry with those closest to you, and get very annoyed for no reason at all. It’s not your fault! Take this time to be aware of how you are reacting to others, and you may actually grow from this experience.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leo, it looks like this week is all about getting work done. You’ll accomplish a lot in the next four weeks because Mars will make you throw your energy into working hard. You will want credit for your accomplishments, which is why working alone will appeal more than working with a team. The Sun will encourage you to take on a new hobby or do anything that expands your experience of the world.

Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Take a step back and focus on your energy and your health. The Sun will be effecting your energy heavy this week, so you might feel a little tired or anxious. Get some shut-eye and rest up for the weekend. Mars will totally contradict the Sun’s notions and make you want to be a social butterfly. Don’t worry, Virgo, you can do it all.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Libra, if you’re feeling a little on edge and like your life’s not as together as you want it, now’s the perfect time to get organized. You’ll have enough time during Mercury Retrograde to try and change every aspect of your life that you want to be altered. Redecorate, get ahead of work, and be prepared.

Scorpio (October 23rd –  November 22nd)

While most of the signs are hiding away, you’re going to be out to play, Scorpio! The Sun will encourage you to socialize with others and you will party more as well as socialize more than ever. Mars is the best energizer this week and will give you what you need to be out on the town, making new friends, and maybe even find romance.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st)

Sagittarius, for you, money is your main focus. Maybe you’re saving up to save up, or you need to make a big purchase. Watch your bank accounts and make sure you prepare yourself for whatever is coming, whether it’s a purchase you’re making for fun or it’s necessary.

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

It looks like winter is ending for you, Capricorn! Get ready to have fun because spring is starting early for you. You’ll be out and about at appointments, running errands, and hanging out with family and friends more. Your energy is tenfold this week so don’t forget to recharge at home as well.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 19th)

Money is in your future, Aquarius, yet again. Your hard work is again paying off. You are striving for success this month, and it’s really showing. Don’t be surprised if a promotion or bonus comes early this week.

Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)

Pisces, the Sun is in your favor this week. Just for you, the Sun and Mars are working together to give you strength and make you feel super in tune with yourself. Connect, find yourself, and prepare. This year is going to be a big one, and this is your shot at resetting for the year. Write down your goals, set your intentions, and by the end of the year, you will have accomplished everything you wanted to.
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