Lipstick & Crushed Insects—What You Didn't Know About Your Red Lippie

Women ingest kilos of lipstick in their lifetime. What's in yours?

nude by nature

As readers of Amodrn, we’re sure you’re well-versed with the many benefits of natural skincare. We quite often write about the smart swaps you can make in your beauty routine and the ingredients to look out for to ensure your products are as ‘clean’ as your clean eating.
Over time, you may have made the switch to natural deodorant, face moisturiser, cleanser (and, if you’re game, shampoo and conditioner), however there is one common beauty item that many of us are probably overlooking when it comes to going au naturale.
That’s right, your humble little lipstick is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to not-so-hidden nasties, and one Aussie brand that’s leading the way is Nude by Nature.
Their recent “Kiss Goodbye to Toxic Lipstick” campaign gives us an insight into some pretty disturbing truths about what can be found in your favourite lippies. Keen to learn more (and possibly be grossed out at the same time)? Keep on scrolling!

lip swatch nude by nature
Image: @nudebynature

A red dye called Carmine used in lipstick is actually derived from crushed insects

Yes, you heard right—crushed insects. And although many of us aren’t the biggest fan of bugs, we sure as hell don’t want them in our lipsticks. “Carmine, commonly used as red dye in lipstick and other cosmetics is indeed derived from insects,” explains Lucile Papon, Product Development Manager for Nude by Nature. “Beetles that are native to South America and Mexico that live as parasites on cactus plants (It’s been reported that more than 70,000 of these beetles are killed to produce just one pound of dye)”.
It’s no surprise that carmine is considered controversial due to its animal origin, but it’s also been associated with possible allergic reactions. If you’re trying to steer clear, you can look out for the word ‘carmine’ itself on your ingredients list, however it can also go under the name Natural Red 4 or labelled as CI 75470.

Other chemical nasties to look out for:

“Although not all synthetic cosmetic ingredients are the same, there are some that have been found to be potentially toxic, accumulate in the body over time or have been linked to irritations of the skin,” says Lucile.
“We strongly believe—and have proven—that there is no reason why lip products should contain synthetic or artificial ingredients.”
What we love about Nude by Nature’s lip collection is that it’s 100% free from Carmine, Petroleum Waxes, Parabens, Silicones, Coal Tar Dyes and other synthetic ingredients, so you don’t need to worry about licking your lips.

nude by nature
Ally from Amodrn. Image credit: @nudebynature

Ingredients that are good for you:

We know what you’re thinking—without these common ‘key’ ingredients, something’s gotta give. Do they dry out? Do they taste like crap? Do they actually stay on? What’s responsible for the colour?
“We didn’t want to compromise on quality,” explains Lucile. “We spent two years developing the range to achieve soft moisturising formulas and vibrant shades. We created our rich shades using 100% naturally derived mineral pigments which deliver exceptional colour so there’s absolutely no compromise on payoff.”

nude by nature lipstick
Image: @nudebynature

Along with jojoba, sweet almond and tangerine oils, “the collection uses a unique mix of ingredients including 100% natural Hyaluronic Acid microspheres to help repair dry lips, nourishing Shea Butter, moisturising Vitamin E and the native Australian Kakadu Plum, known to have the highest levels of natural Vitamin C, and Desert Lime to provide antioxidant defense,” shares Lucile.
Tried, tested and loved by our team of editors, we can certainly vouch for this. Not only are the lipsticks super creamy, nourishing, moisturising (and actually tasty), they come in a variety of colours suitable for every occasion, which makes it the perfect handbag accessory.
Are you ready to make the switch? Nude by Nature’s 100% Lip Collection includes lipsticks, lipgloss and lip pencils. Visit for more!

This is a paid article by Nude By Nature

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