This Vitamin-D Fuelled Milk Is A Game Changer For Immune Health

How this milk rivals the competition when it comes to the issues of bloating, inflammation, and much, much more

This Vitamin-D Fuelled A2 Milk Is A Game Changer For Immune Health
Image: Supplied by A2 Milk
When it comes to choosing milk, we all have the same worries that send us running for an alternative. There are so many reasons why we reach for something else. This is due to a certain protein found regularly in the dairy milk on the market. The A1 beta-casein protein embedded in traditional dairy may cause stomach discomfort for some. On top of this issue, our food sources use antibiotics, growth hormones, and much more to sustain the need for continued and exponential growth. We expedite the process to churn out more and more goods. What is the solution to all of this, you may ask? Enter a2 Milk.
The brand is providing the ultimate alternative to regular dairy milk by finding cows that only produce the a2 protein and focusing on the incredible benefits that dairy milk can offer. We interviewed Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, a registered dietitian and author of “The Better Period Food Solution”, on how a2 Milk rivals the competition when it comes to other brands, why Vitamin D is key for immune health, and what is the game changer the brand offers when it comes to choosing milk alternatives. Keep reading for more information.

Why Vitamin D Is Key To Your Immune Health

Vitamin D is becoming a household name for good reason. Immune function is among its many roles. A one-cup serving of a2 Milk® contains 15% of the recommended daily value for vitamin D which helps you get one step closer to meeting your quota for the day. In addition to drinking a2 Milk®, eating a balanced diet from all food groups and appropriate sun exposure can also help you get more vitamin D. 

This Vitamin D Fuelled Milk Is A Game Changer For Immune Health
Image: A2 Milk

a2 Milk’s Power Over Other Dairy Products 

All cows’ milk contains milk proteins in the form of whey and casein. However, some people may be sensitive to the type of beta-casein found in ordinary cows’ milk. What sets a2 Milk® apart from its competitors is that a2 Milk® is made from cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein and no A1. This means that a2 Milk® is easier on digestion and may help some avoid stomach discomfort. With a2 Milk®, many people can enjoy the benefits of milk again. 

This Vitamin D Fuelled Milk Is A Game Changer For Immune Health
Image: a2 Milk
a2 Milk® comes from cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein and not the A1. It is the same protein in goat’s or sheep’s milk. a2 Milk® is 100% real cows’ milk, but it’s easier on digestion. It may also help some avoid stomach discomfort. Throughout my career as a registered dietitian, I have found that some people tolerate dairy foods with only the A2 protein better. a2 Milk® is a great option for anyone, but especially for those who have avoided milk for a variety of reasons, including subjective lactose sensitivity or common misconceptions about milk. Most alternative milks are not nutritionally equivalent to cows’ milk.
a2 Milk® is consistently and naturally nutritionally superior to many other options in the dairy aisle. This is because of its high-quality protein, vitamin, and mineral composition, and short ingredient list. In comparison, a2 Milk® wins in my book, helping to keep people of all ages full, nourished, and strong. 
This Vitamin D Fuelled Milk Is A Game Changer For Immune Health
Image: a2 Milk

The Nutritional Benefits of a2 Milk

a2 Milk®, like all real cows’ milk. It is full of essential nutrients that are crucial to proper development in all stages of life. Because milk is a great source of protein, it helps build and repair muscle tissue. Plus, milk is naturally rich in calcium which is vital to building and maintaining bone strength throughout life. These benefits make milk a great choice for many populations, including growing adolescents, pregnant women, or the elderly. Not to mention milk is the perfect addition to your diet. When looking to feel satisfied after each meal or snack, there are nourishing properties in the protein. 
To the milk abstainers out there, I would (kindly) say, “Before you hate, educate!” Milk is naturally one of the most nutrient-dense beverages available. It is loaded with a wide array of nutrients. These include vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, vitamin D, protein, and potassium. Milk has a place on every table unless someone has a formally diagnosed intolerance or allergy to milk. 



This Vitamin D Fuelled Milk Is A Game Changer For Immune Health
Image: a2 Milk

The Common Misconceptions of Drinking Dairy Milk

Common misconceptions about drinking dairy are that it’s loaded with sugar contains added hormones or is the root of all stomach issues. First, the sugar in plain milk is naturally occurring from lactose. When combined with other key nutrients such as protein and calcium, the carbohydrates in milk help make a balanced diet. In addition, the majority of a2 Milk® products contain no added sugar, but you can also indulge in some of these products without the guilt. For instance, a2 Milk Chocolate 2% Reduced Fat Milk contains no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colors and contains 33% less sugar compared to leading brands.
Speaking of what’s in your milk, a2 Milk® is free of any unnatural hormones, rBST, and antibiotics. In addition, all of their U.S. family farms are independently certified by the Validus Group to ensure they meet strict animal welfare guidelines. Many people believe (or have experienced) that dairy causes stomach issues. While these GI issues arise, they are often due to lactose intolerance. It may be a sensitivity to proteins found in milk, known as whey or casein. Published research suggests that a type of casein, known as A2 beta-casein, is easier on digestion and may help some avoid stomach discomfort. a2 Milk® is made from cows who naturally produce only the A2 protein and no A1, and maybe a great choice for many people, whether they regularly enjoy milk or would love the chance to enjoy it again.
To learn more about the incredible benefits of a2 milk, visit their website here

This post is sponsored by A2 Milk

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