friend breakup
Image: Gemma Chua Tran via Unsplash

Why It Might Be Time for a Friend Breakup—And Why It’s Okay

Here are the signs it's over.

Sometimes relationships end, and that’s okay. How to find the signs that it’s time for it to be over, that’s a little harder for us humans to do. Whether it be a partner that’s romantic or a friendship, we can all involve ourselves in relationships that aren’t a perfect fit for one and another. In friendship, there are some telltale signs that you might need to end the connection, now. We’ve done some research to find out what hints you could see, like them putting you down or having no balance between you both. Keep reading for more!

friend breakup
Image: Katarzyna Grabowska via Unsplash

Why It Might Be Time for a Friend Breakup — And That’s OK

1) They put you down

According to Woman’s Day, if someone is consistently putting you down, you might need to end the friendship. But, hold your horses! If you try some communication and tell that person that what they’re doing is making you feel bad and it’s still going on … By all means, it might not be the friendship you want to have.

2) They cross boundaries that you’ve established

If you present boundaries to a friend, they should be respected, 100%. But if someone is crossing these, it might be a sign that this friendship is coming to its close. There are two sides to every coin and not having the respect to give you your space is not cool.

3) There’s no balance between you two

Balance is an important key to use as a scale for a relationship. It doesn’t have to be daily, or monthly (it depends on when we are in need of that friend or feel giving). But if it’s been one-sided for a very long time, chances are that you are being taken advantage of or not cared for. Simply, it might be because of the case that the spark is gone there. This is a sign that you need to have a friend breakup.

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