Feather's Furniture Subscription Model Is Sustainable And Environmentally Friendly

How you can save the world by decorating your home.

feather's sustainability model
Image: Feather

Being environmentally responsible should be one of the things at the top of your do-to list these days. In case you hadn’t heard, there’s a lot of damage we’re doing to our planet that (if we don’t stop it now), is going to lead to a lot of destruction. Most recently, 11,000 scientists across the globe have literally declared a climate emergency that will cause untold suffering due to the climate crisis, unless there are major changes made to the way we treat mother Earth. We’ve incorporated recycling, we’ve changed the way we buy groceries, we even drive an electric car. But there’s a new method of being sustainable that we’re also very, very obsessed with.

feather sustainability model
Image: Feather

What Is Feather?

Feather is taking the dilemma of furniture disposal into their own hands. In this day and age, many are turning to renting more than actually owning a home. With hopping from place to place, throwing away cheap furniture is usually the norm. Even worse so, dumping it out onto the street without proper waste management damages our environment even further.
At Feather, you can, instead of “buying cheap, hard to move furniture that ends up in landfills, you can rent better-quality pieces that others use when you’re done with them. They aim at people who have graduated from college but haven’t settled down and who may appreciate fine things but don’t necessarily feel the need to own them just yet.” says the New York Times. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “nearly 9.7 million tons of furnishings end up in landfills”. Feather’s founder Jay Reno, age 31, even has a master’s degree in climate and society from Columbia University.

feather furniture's sustainability model
Image: Feather

How Does It Work?

Feather has a selection of gorgeous furniture to choose from. You can have a piece that they have designed themselves or classics from institutions like West Elm and Pottery Barn. You are able to pick a “Member” and “Non-Member” option where several add-ons are given to you when you are a member for $19 per month, like free first time delivery, one free change annually, and discounted deals on furniture.

According to the NYT, “Feather’s young customers haven’t yet pinned down their taste in home furnishings, they can take the Style Quiz on the company’s website and allow its algorithms to make suggestions.” You’re even able to choose from packages for each room, like a “Living Room” or “Bedroom” package, where 5 or more signature items are upwards of only $50 per month.

Feather is able to, at the end of a rental term, refurbish the item you have rented. “At the end of a rental term, a customer can buy the pieces — with the monthly payments going toward the retail cost — or extend the subscription, perhaps swapping in other items.”, says the New York Times.

So how can you change the world? Many, many ways to do so. First off, definitely make sure you are recycling correctly (paper, plastic, garbage, etc.). Look into getting a car that uses no gas or less gas. And finally, get a rentable sofa that can be properly disposed of or replaced responsibly.

feather furniture
Image: Feather

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