This New Exercise Bike Lets You Pedal For Netflix

How's that for motivation?

exercise bike
Image: Instagram @pelotoncycle

As much as we love Netflix, we have to admit that it’s generally not the best thing for our motivation. Unless, of course, you count motivating us to spend five hours binge-watching the latest season of Orange Is The New Black! There’s just something about that automatic ‘watch next episode’ feature that makes it way too easy to skip your gym session in favour of a Netflix marathon.
But thanks to a genius invention by Irish scientist Ronan Byrne, those days may be over. The Dublin Institute of Technology student has created the Cycflix, an innovative ‘exercise powered entertainment’ device. Basically, it’s an exercise bike that motivates you to exercise by letting you watch Netflix — but only if you pedal over a certain speed!
Using cords, pulleys and levels, Bryne hooked up his stationary bike to his computer. Before he starts his workout, he can enter how long he wants to exercise and how fast. He can even put in sets, intervals and rest periods. Once he picks his TV or movie of choice, the video starts as he begins to pedal. If he stops or slows down below his goal speed, a dialogue pops up to warn him. If he doesn’t pick up the pace, the video pauses. How’s that for motivation? You can check out the Cycflix in action below:

Currently, the Cycflix remains Byrne’s DIY project — so unfortunately, you won’t be able to buy one for your at-home gym any time soon. Of course, if you have a stationary bike you could just use it in front of your laptop or TV — but it doesn’t quite give you the same incentive to pedal hard. However, if you happen to be particularly technologically-savvy, Byrne has posted an elaborate step-by-step guide to recreating the Cycflix at home here.
Scientists aren’t just disrupting the health and fitness scene. Check out some of favourite new game-changing beauty inventions here.

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