This is Exactly What Bianca Cheah's Morning Routine Looks Like

(And why she doesn't get up before 7am!)

bianca cheah

This month here at Amodrn, we’re all about cultivating healthy habits—you know, trying to do more things like; drinking 2L of water every day, establishing a proper exercise regime, reading a different book every week, putting the phone away 1 hour before bed—things that’ll enable us to live our healthiest, happiest, most productive lives.
And if there is one thing that has become evidently clear thus far (apart from the fact that we need to do more of aforementioned things), is that there is no such thing as a ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to creating the perfect daily routine. Some people jump out of bed as soon as their alarm goes off while the rest of us hit snooze for the tenth time. Some people can’t imagine starting their day without a sweaty gym session, then there’s those who couldn’t think of anything worse. Some do their best work in the morning whilst others find creativity in staying up late.
The takeaway? The key is to find and establish healthy habits that work for you. Healthy habits that fit your lifestyle, healthy habits that make you feel good, healthy habits that you actually enjoy doing opposed to having to downright force yourself (because we all know how that story ends).
As we embark on our ultimate goal-setting journey, we love turning to super successful women who seem to have this whole ‘healthy habits thing‘ down pat—and who better to call upon than Amodrn’s very own Bianca Cheah?
She has a simple morning routine that sets her up for a positive day ahead (and the most refreshing part is that it’s not at all crazy or unachievable) and has learnt to listen to the needs of her body in a way that helps her function at her full potential. Keep reading to find out why she only wakes up with the sun, how she deals with constant jetlag and the one thing she does before she goes to sleep…


What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Take us through what a typical morning looks like for you.

6:30-7am: I’m a slow riser, so I cuddle Sporte for about 10 mins, screen my emails and flag the ones that need urgent attention for when I get into the office.
7am: Shower and get ready. Probably go through about three outfits before I’m happy!
8am: Feed Sporte, water the plants, quickly unpack the dishwasher.
8.15am: Stop off for my morning coffee.
8.30am: Arrive at office.
8.45am: Check emails, do my to-do list.
9.30am: Chat with staff about the day and what needs to be done.

Why is a morning routine so important for you? 

It sets me up for a good day. Being organised is key for a productive day. Without doing my morning to-do list and emails, my day kinda becomes all mumble jumbled, and then I get all stressed.

You’re constantly travelling between Sydney and LA (and everywhere in between). How do you try and maintain a morning routine when you’re always on the go? Is there any one non-negotiable?

Hahaha! I’m still trying to nail this. I always feel like i’m living in constant jetlag. One thing that I do try to do is NOT eat the plane food and SLEEP as much as I can on the flight. I find when I don’t eat my jet lag is better. Then as soon as I land in whatever country it is, I adapt instantly with their time zone. Go to bed and wake at a normal time. Also, yoga really helps me to reset.


What is your all-time favourite breakfast?

I usually fast from 8pm the night before to lunch time the next day. But when I’m not fasting, I really enjoy a Greek omelette with feta cheese, mushrooms, onion and tomato with some chilli sauce or Worcestershire sauce. Funnily enough I’m not a pancakes person and choose savoury over sweet any day. I also love a good thick and pulpy orange juice or grapefruit juice.

What is something you want to try and incorporate into your morning routine but haven’t done so  yet?

Exercise in the morning. I prefer to do this in the afternoons because I like to wake when the sun rises. Waking when its dark, my body just doesn’t agree with it. Seems wrong for me! But everyone is different and their bodies adapt differently. You’re either a morning person or a night person! (You can find out your sleep animal, here).


Do you practice gratitude or set your intentions for the day?

Everyday I always aim to smile at everyone. It’s like this little game I play with myself. I want to see how many people I can make smile who look down or angry. I’d like to think that I played a small part in making their day a little more brighter.

Let’s turn to night time. Is there any particular way you like to wind down and do you have a specific bedtime routine?

Yes, I’m big on aromatherapy. I have so many diffusers at home I’ve lost count. But there’s a new one that I’m totally besotted with. It’s the Virtuvi Diffuser (it has an 8,000 person waiting list, so that’s saying something). I turn it on an hour before I go to bed with some relaxing oils in it. By the time I walk into the room ready for bed, the room instantly calms me and puts me to sleep. It’s like a natural sleep sedative. Also, dabbing some aromatherapy onto my wrists and the pillow helps to relax me.

bianca cheah

Quick-Fire Questions

Coffee or tea? 
Both! I drink Macchiato’s and espressos and also love green tea with lemon.
Music or meditation?
Music. Classical piano de-stresses me.
Walk or gym?
Studio for a yoga workout.
Sleep in or shower?
Emails or offline?
Offline. Everyone know’s I’m bad with emails!
Slides or sneakers?
Sneakers! Slides make my feet look like flippers for some reason.

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