The secret to beautiful skin (no Instagram filter required)

You might think of vitamin C as the ultimate immunity booster, beating those pesky colds and flu every time, but vitamin C is also hailed as a natural beauty wonder. Extracts can help fade pigmentation, brighten your complexion, diffuse the appearance of fine lines, clear stubborn blemishes, and also help increase the effectiveness of SPF and your skin’s natural UV defences.
But how exactly does this magical ingredient work? When applied to the skin directly, vitamin C works to neutralize free radicals (molecules that cause skin to age on a daily basis) and protect against sun, stress and pollution.
So, we’ve found four vitamin C-rich products worth adding to your skincare arsenal.

4 vitamin C-rich beauty products:

Beauty, Vitamin C

Facial Mist

Dull complexion? Uneven skin tone? This vitamin C infused facial mist is a refreshing pick-me-up, which not only encourages collagen production, but also works to brighten, soften and energise skin. Use it on the go or to set make-up.

Shop The Body Shop Energizing Face Spritz $19.95

Vitamin C, beauty, skincare


Slow the aging process by keeping wrinkles, dryness and fine lines at bay with this luxurious Ole Henriksen serum. Jam-packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, it promises to fight off environmental aggressors and keep your skin nourished and protected. And thanks to it’s calming properties, this oil-free serum is also perfect for those with sensitive skin.

Shop Ole Henriksen Truth Serum Vitamin C Collagen Booster $105.00

Vitamin C, beauty, skincare

Eye Cream

Enriched with vitamin c, Maracuja oil, rice bran, mango, and coconut, this Tarte eye cream instantly revives tired eyes and brightens dark circles. The opthalmologist-tested nutrient-rich formula also locks in moisture, leaving the eye area smooth and supple.

Shop Tarte Maracuja C-Brighter Eye Treament $46.00

Vitamin C, beauty, skincare


This antioxidant rich cleanser removes impurities, rehydrates, and refreshes skin with a burst of citrus. Expect skin to be brighter, more even toned and exceptionally radiant. We especially love the clean, fruity scent of mandarin orange, basil and grapefruit.

Shop Murad Essential-C Cleanser $55.41

Deep Sleep Support

Magnesium Breakthrough

Want to fall asleep faster and all through the night?


3X The Value Of Food


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Good Bacteria Support


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