5 Tried And True Tips To Get The Best Sleep Ever

The Goodnight Co. gives us the inside scoop on going to bed easily and waking up refreshed.

get your best night's sleep ever
Image: Stocksy

We spend almost a third of our life asleep, and we need to. Having a good night’s sleep is imperative to functioning day-to-day and plays a huge role in your overall health and wellbeing, (trust us, we here at the Goodnight Co. know a thing or two). Research has found sleeping well can help to boost immunity, increase productivity, reduce anxiety, facilitate weight loss, improve your skin and hair, and more. So, why wouldn’t it be a priority? Sleep better and it can revitalize you and your body, allowing the other two-thirds of your life to flourish and be stress-free (and more comfortable)! 
At The Goodnight Co., sleep is our priority, and we make sure that we get a good one. We want to share with you our top five tips for a good night’s sleep, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing. 

mental health
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TIP 1: Create A Sleep Ritual

If you only do one thing from this list, please make it creating a sleep ritual! Creating a ritual (or routine) helps to train your body and mind to relax when it comes to bedtime, which makes falling asleep, and staying asleep, easier. One of the most effective ways to create a routine is by breaking things down into small steps. Things like meditation, warm baths, essential oils, and tea are a great place to start when tackling poor sleeping habits. By implementing healthy sleep habits into your nightly routine, your body will feel rejuvenated and ready to take on each day.

TIP 2: Follow A Sleep Schedule 

This tip is a flashback to a simpler, and more wiggles filled time in your sleep life: it’s bedtimes, baby! We hate to break it to you, but it’s important to go to bed and wake up at the same time every single night to allow your body to establish a healthy sleep routine – sorry weekend sleep-ins. By following a sleep schedule, research shows your health condition is improved and it drastically reduces the risks of those nasty sleep disorders. 

all-nighter no sleep mental health
Image: iStock

TIP 3: You Are What You Eat

There are a few sleep superfoods which work to improve your sleep at night, namely nuts, leafy greens, fresh or frozen fruit, seafood and whole grains. These five foods contain all the goodness your body needs to help you get a good night’s sleep, so you’re ready to conquer the day. There are also a few foods to steer clear of such as spicy foods, sugary foods, high-fat foods, caffeine and alcohol. These foods may hinder your ability to sleep as it takes the body a long time to fully digest them. If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, consider reviewing your diet throughout the day to make sure your body is ready for rest and try some bedtime friendly recipes

TIP 4: Consider Your Bedroom 

For many, the bedroom can serve as a multifunctional room. However, it can be an office, a library, a theatre, or even a laundry room (#guilty). In the end, the bedroom’s purpose really should be a sanctuary for sleep. It should be the most luxurious and personal space in any home – a soothing oasis that is conducive to relaxation and comfort. To create a comfortable and relaxing environment, consider these tried and true tips: keep it clean & simple, experiment with all-natural fibre bedding options, set a cool temperature, choose calming colours, find the perfect scent and make your bed! Having space you feel comfort and clarity will ultimately aid your magical sleep ritual. Don’t forget, a tidy house is a tidy mind, and that basically guarantees a good night’s sleep! You can find more bedroom tips here at the Goodnight Co.’s website.

Why 2019 is the Year of Sleep Optimization
Image: iStock

TIP 5: Keep Hydrated 

Sleep and hydration are heavily connected as water allows our bodies to stay healthy and nourished. When your body lacks in fluids, you start to feel irritable and sluggish. According to the Sleep Foundation and us at the Goodnight Co., going to bed dehydrated can cause you to have a very disruptive sleep as both your mouth and nasal passages feel dry and disrupted, leaving you with a parched throat and hoarseness in the morning. This means it is essential to focus on drinking at least 3 litres of water throughout your day and before you sleep.  
Looking for more tips for a good night’s sleep? Head to The Goodnight Co.’s Journal to find out more. If you’d to find out more about the nine essential oils that can help you get to sleep faster by The Goodnight Co., click here

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