Study Results Reveal Americans Are Nervous But Still Horny

We wonder why ...

sex horny
Image: Alexander Krivitsky via Unsplash

In honor of National Sex Day this past month, we want to talk about the many, many relationships (sexual and/or romantic) that are about to happen in light of the pandemic. A lot of us are ready to start dating, going out, and hitting the bedroom for some fun. But there’s something that you may know of that could be standing in the way and that’s the nerves, baby. In fact, sex wellness brand Awkward Essentials did a study about America’s complicated relationship with sex in 2021. We are horny AF, seeking comfort, and yet still riding a pandemic train to pound town. We spoke to the brand about the study and what they’ve found out. Keep reading for more!

Image: Joe DeSousa via Unsplash

Why We’re Nervous to Have Sex, According to Awkward Essentials

141 million sexually active Americans confess that there’s been at least one thing that has made them nervous before having sex. 80% of sexually active Millennials and GenZers are more likely to be nervous than their older counterparts (60%). About two in three reports that they typically do at least one thing to kick their confidence into high gear before having sex: about 58% self-groom (ie: shaving or waxing) while 36% put on a piece of clothing that makes them feel better about themselves, such as sexy lingerie or new underwear. Others attempt to set a romantic mood, as 39% have an intimate conversation, 30% kick back with an alcoholic beverage, and 19% make a sex playlist of their favorite songs. We like to play “Pony” by Ginuwine to get into a horny mood.

These findings show that while sex for millions can be awkward and uncomfortable, certain shifts to pre-and post-sex rituals can ensure more satisfying experiences as Americans continue to ride the positive-pandemic-sex surge. What do you think your pre and post-sex routine would be?

Image: Courtesy of Awkward Essentials

The Positive Side

More than 97 million sexually active Americans report that COVID-19 positively impacted their sex life. Many reporting that they are having more spontaneous (30%), more frequent (29%), and more adventurous, horny (26%) sex. So something good did come out of the pandemic after all! Those that do like to have a post-sex ritual often report that the clean-up is something that always gets in the way. Awkward Essentials actually has a dripstick, a medical-grade sponge that’s used to absorb excess fluid in the vaginal canal post-sex. This way, you and your partner can have a mess-free experience, every time. That sounds more like it!



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